  • 學位論文


Post-productivist Turn of Rural Area in Taiwan: Restructuring and Embeddedness of Argo-food Industry in Guanxi Town

指導教授 : 譚鴻仁


廣大的鄉村地方一直都有其多重的社會意義與價值,然而隨著全球化的發展,過去城鄉二元的分工逐漸瓦解,隨著糧食過剩、糧價過低、食安問題等等,鄉村的產值驟減,逐漸成為邊陲的殘沒地區。因此鄉村的發展目標與方式必須有所調整,轉向提供更多的社會功能,這樣的轉變歷程是一種從生產主義到後生產主義式地哲學上的轉變。就鄉村地方對邊緣化的回應而言,政府推動的「一鄉鎮一特產」對於鄉村地方的發展很大的影響,因此許多鄉村地方致力於發展地方特色產業。   本文以Marsden(1998)的鄉村經濟再結構為架構,從農產業的轉型分析後生產鄉村的出現與類型化;同時本文輔以鑲嵌的概念討論具有在地色彩之農產業是如何發生在地方之上的。方法上,以新竹關西為個案研究,蒐集茶產業與仙草產業相關的資料,以作質性的證據分析。 本研究透過農產業品質轉向建構關西後生產鄉村的姿態。茶透過生產過程與地方連結建構品質;仙草則是以產品與地方的地域延長維持品牌。而Marsden(1998)的分析向度,發現政策促使茶去鑲嵌於關西地方,農會則帶動地方農產業的再調節,形成關西仙草產業,茶業轉型另類網絡再鑲嵌於地方,形成再商品化。仙草則是透過節慶與文化形成高度的再商品化。而從行動者網絡觀點中得出非人農作物是促使網絡轉型的關鍵。而形成的茶和仙草網絡結構性地鑲嵌在一起,成為關西地方異質的網絡結構。關西鎮農產業的後生產轉向,關西鎮目前跳脫過去單一生產價值的發展模式,形成具有多元價值的鄉村地方。


As the time passes, rural areas in Taiwan take a less significant role in the economy, and thus become peripheral in terms of economic development. To survive, the production style of Argo-food industry in rural areas has changed from productivism to post-productivism, which aim to provides extra services such as entertainment or commodity production to the society. As for official support, the central government has launched the policy “One Town, One Product”, encouraging the local government to promote rural development based on their own features. In this paper, Marsden’s economic perspectives of rural restructuring is adopted in order to discuss the transformation of argo-food industry within rural areas and the idea of ‘embeddedness’ is used to analyze the relation between argo-food industry and rural areas. In the case study, the tea industry and mesona industry in Guanxi Township was chosen as research cases and analyzed by qualitative methods to find out how local-featured agriculture affects rural development and restructuring in Taiwan. The conclusions of this research contains as follows: firstly, tea and mesona industry network demonstrate the post-productivist style of alternative agro-food network. Secondly, the tea industry no longer embedded upon Guanxi, which made the diversification of tea and mesona. Finally, tea and mesona are two major factors in argo-food industry network transformation in Guanxi.


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