  • 學位論文


The Perfect Female Role Models:The Translation Strategies of Three Biographies for Children

指導教授 : 賴慈芸


台灣東方出版社於 1960 年代陸續出版了「世界偉人傳記叢書」系列,這套 叢書在台灣極為暢銷,1990 年代更推出重新包裝的「革新版」,曾獲新聞局推薦 中小學生優良課外讀物獎,以及臺北市評選優良兒童讀物獎,現在仍在市面上銷 售。後續也有簡體版在大陸銷售,銷售量驚人,可見其對台灣與大陸兒童的影響 力深厚。這套叢書 1960 年代以台灣作家之名出版,推出革新版時封面與版權頁 則將「作者」改為「改寫者」,並增加兩頁林文月撰寫的世界偉人傳記叢書序,裡頭委婉說明當年是改寫翻譯自日文底本,精選出的世界偉人兼容古今中外,沒有特別強調民族本位的色彩。不過實際上這套叢書並非由台灣人所著或改寫翻譯, 而是亦步亦趨地全書翻譯自日本偕成社的偉人物語文庫,挑選的傳主也與日文本相同,但刪除了日本的偉人,只留下西方和中國的偉人。目前大部分的相關研究 都將這套叢書視為台灣作者的改寫作品,忽視了日文來源本的存在;亦有研究發 現到日文來源本的問題,但無法找出文本佐證,造成研究上的困難。 另外,這套「世界偉人傳記叢書」只擷取傳主的正面事蹟,還加入些許東方傳統觀念,更有些情節對話與史實不符,很明顯為操縱的結果。本研究挑選了《居 禮夫人》、《南丁格爾》和《聖女貞德》三本女性傳記為研究對象,中譯者皆為 林文月,並找出日文來源本,透過仔細比對文本分析偕成社日文作者、東方版中 譯者以及革新版分別所做的操縱。研究結果發現,主要的操縱來自偕成社的日文 作者和革新版,東方版的內容與插畫幾乎與偕成社版完全相同,中譯者的翻譯採 歸化策略,對日文作者所杜撰改寫的情節對話皆照單全收;革新版雖有再做修改,但卻未與時俱進,不僅未增加傳主的負面經歷,刪除傳主脆弱的情感表現,其中一本傳記還增添更多東方傳統觀念。


During the 1960s, Taipei-based publisher Dongfang (東方出版社) published Biographies of Great People around the World (世界偉人傳記叢書), a series of books that has been popular in Taiwan ever since and has been passed down from generation to generation. In the 1990s, Dongfang published revised editions of the titles and these were listed as recommended reading materials for children by Taipei City Government and the Government Information Office. Soon thereafter, in 1996, a simplified Chinese edition of the series appeared in China, gaining widespread acclaim and extending the cultural influence of the series across the Taiwan Strait. Interestingly, since the Taiwanese publisher marked the Chinese translators as the authors and/or adaptors of the works, readers and even researchers always assumed that these translators were the original authors. However, the series was actually translated from a collection from Japanese publisher Kaiseishya (偕成社). Taking this unique, veiled background as a starting point, this research focuses on three titles from the series, all chronicling the lives of historical female figures: Madam Curie (居禮夫人), Joan of Arc (聖女貞德) and Florence Nightingale (南丁格 爾). All three of these biographies neglect to mention any details which could tarnish the reputations of these women, consist of fabricated dialogue and events, and express traditional Chinese mindsets. Moreover, looking at the collection as a whole, the Taiwanese publisher ignored all titles dedicated to honoring the lives of Japanese great men and only published those about great men from China and elsewhere. This research aims, through textual analysis, to uncover which Japanese originals served as the basis for these three books, to discover manipulations in the Japanese and Chinese texts, and to explore the cultural significance of the series.


清閑寺健。《キュリー夫人》。 東京:偕成社,1956 年。
林文月著。《居禮夫人》。臺北:東方出版社,1964 年。
林文月改寫。《居禮夫人》。臺北:東方出版社,2006 年。
