  • 學位論文


The Correlation between Different Intensities of Exercise and Limb Movements in Badminton Exercise

指導教授 : 相子元


前言: 運動表現的提升需要藉由適當的訓練強度及運動量,若是沒有控制好運動量,容易造成選手過度訓練甚至受傷。近年來漸漸藉由科學儀器監控訓練過程,監控訓練可以給予運動表現變化提供一個科學的解釋,重要的是監控訓練能幫助訓練人員掌控選手的訓練負荷及減少受傷風險、疾病。國內羽球項目的成績表現日益提升,但也因為龐大訓練量導致許多選手身體帶傷訓練、比賽,而加速規是目前最方便且便宜的量測儀器之一,重要的是能夠客觀的提供動作的資訊,但是量測準確度會受到擺放位置而影響,因此越來越多研究探討加速規擺放位置,以及是否能利用加速規推估運動時的運動量並監控訓練減少傷害風險。目的: 比較四肢與軀幹運動時不同加速規訊號演算法推估的運動量,與心率換算出的運動量之間的相關性。方法:招募12名大專男子羽球選手進行實驗,進行四種不同強度的羽球訓練動作,同時量測心率、四肢及軀幹運動時的加速度。將心率帶入Banister’s TRIMP (Training impulse) 公式計算運動量,加速規訊號轉換成MAD (mean amplitude deviation) , Player Load與MPD (mean power deviation) 數值,並比較之間的相關性。結果:在運動開始後的第三分鐘,MAD, Player Load與MPD演算法與TRIMP算出的運動量在慣用手達中度相關,非慣用手、雙腳及腰椎達高度相關。結論:加速規訊號以MAD, Player Load與MPD演算法推估動作運動量是可行的,除了慣用手以外其餘部位皆適合擺放加速規,未來可將本研究應用於選手量化運動量上。


心率 加速規 量化運動量


Introduction: Raising athletic performance required appropriate exercise and training, but overtraining could cause injury. Monitoring training can help coach to control athlete’s training program and reduce the risk of injury. Heart rate was commonly used to monitor training in the past. Accelerometer is one of the most convenient instruments substitute heart rate currently. However, the position to attach accelerometer will affect the signal collection and further affect the accuracy. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine: The correlation of different algorithms for limbs and trunk accelerometer signals and heart rate signals in badminton movement. Method: This study recruited 12 male badminton athletes who were asked to wear a heart rate monitor and 5 tri-axial accelerometers to perform 4 different badminton movement. Result: In the third minute after the start of movement, MAD, Player Load and MPD algorithms have moderate to high correlation with TRIMP value in all accelerometer positions. Conclusion: It’s feasible to quantify the amount of exercise using MAD, Player Load and MPD algorithms. The results of this study could be applied to quantify the amount of training in badminton.


Heart rate accelerometer monitoring training


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