  • 學位論文


Determinants of user engagement and performance : A case of an online apparel surrogate shopper.

指導教授 : 林舒柔


Facebook 在 2007 年新增了「粉絲專頁」功能,許多企業在這上面經營自己的社群商務、透過與社群用戶實際地互動,不僅提高了品牌的曝光率也可獲取最迅速且真實的用戶回饋。本研究採用多變量之相關性與複迴歸分析,以研究者自行經營之服飾代購業個案為例,探討廣告投放與商品價格與商品種類對於社群網站的用戶參與和營運績效的關係,實證研究發現廣告投放費用、商品價格與商品種類皆對營運績效有顯著影響,另外本研究以用戶參與度來探討廣告和商品屬性影響營運績效的機制,結果顯示廣告投放費用對用戶參與有良好的導購力。


In 2007, Facebook launched "fan page" platform, many companies are running their own social commerce on this page, and not only effectively improve the exposure of their own brand but also get the most real and rapid feedback by having interaction with community members on Facebook fan page. Correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis was used in this study to empirically analyze factors affecting the performance of the social commerce organizations. The research context of this study is a surrogate store based on Facebook. The results show that advertising expenditure is positively and significantly associated with profits and number of purchasers while commodity price is negatively correlated with the abovementioned performance indicators. Additionally, number of product items has a positive impact on number of purchasers but slightly significantly associated with profits. Furthermore, this study explores the mechanism through which advertisement and commodity attributes influence profits and number of customers. The results show that the positive relationship between advertisement and sales performance is mediated by the engagement of users.


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