  • 學位論文


The Study of Consumers’ Needs to Shopping Services of Original Internet Apparel Store

指導教授 : 楊美雪


本研究主旨在探討服飾網路原生商店購物服務的內容與呈現方式,以內容分析法與問卷調查法為主要的研究方法。首先採用內容分析法瞭解45家服飾網路商店購物服務之現況;再透過網路問卷調查法,瞭解曾有服飾網路原生商店購買經驗的消費者對服飾網路原生商店購物服務之需求,總計回收有效問卷448份;並進一步比較服飾網路原生商店提供之購物服務與消費者購物服務需求之差異。本研究之重要發現如下: 1.服飾網路原生商店購物服務內容以「商品資訊服務」提供比例最高,「線上購物促銷服務」提供比例最低;其購物服務呈現方式則以「商品分類方式」提供比例最高,「商品搜尋呈現方式」提供比例最低。 2.消費者對服飾網路原生商店購物服務內容需求程度以「線上購物交易服務」較高,「線上購物個人化服務」較低;對購物服務呈現方式需求程度以「商品搜尋呈現方式」較高,「商品展示瀏覽路線」較低。 3.不同「性別」、「年齡」、「職業」、「網路購物使用資歷」、「服飾網路原生商店使用資歷」、「服飾網路原生商店平均每次瀏覽時間」與「服飾網路原生商店平均每次消費金額」的消費者對購物服務內容需求有差異。 4.不同「職業」、「服飾網路原生商店使用資歷」、「服飾網路原生商店平均每次瀏覽時間」與「服飾網路原生商店平均每次消費金額」的消費者對購物服務呈現方式需求有差異。 5.服飾網路原生商店提供之「線上購物促銷服務」、「線上購物顧客支援服務」及「商品搜尋呈現方式」與消費者需求落差較大 。 根據上述研究結論,針對服飾網路原生商店經營者、服飾網路原生商店設計者、服飾網路原生商店消費者,以及後續研究者提出相關建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the content and presentation of the original internet apparel stores shopping services.First of all, we used content analysis to understand the current status of the shopping service of 45 original apparel internet stores. Secondly, the study used online questionnaire investigation to realize the needs of online purchases experience consumers for original apparel internet stores shopping services. The information of the 448 valid questionnaires could be used. And further compare the difference between shopping services which offer from original apparel internet stores and what consumers need them. The findings of this study were as follows: 1.“Products information services” was the most emphatic item of the shopping services content of the original apparel internet stores, and “Online shopping promotion services” was the lowest. However, “Products classification ways” was the most emphatic item of the shopping services presentation, and “Products searching presentation ways” was the lowest. 2.“Online shopping transaction services” was the highly consumers’ needs of the original apparel internet stores shopping services content, and “Online shopping personalized services” was the lowest. However, “Products searching presentation ways” was the highly consumers’ needs of the shopping services presentation, and “Products surfing line” was the lowest. 3.There were significant differences in consumers’ needs of the original apparel internet stores shopping services content between “gender”, “age” , “occupation”, “ online shopping using qualification ” ,“original apparel internet stores using qualification ” , “how long for suffering original apparel internet per times ” and “how much for spending original apparel internet per times”. 4.There were significant differences in consumers’ needs of the original apparel internet stores shopping services presentation between “occupations”, “original apparel internet stores using qualification”, “how long for suffering original apparel internet per times” and “how much for spending original apparel internet per times”. 5.There were extremely differences between the original apparel internet stores and consumers’ need for “Online shopping promotion services”, “Online shopping customer support services” and“Products searching presentation ways”. According to the results of the study, it will provide applicable suggestions for the original apparel internet stores of managers, designers, consumers and future researchers.


吳淑鶯、詹琇如(2009)。實體與網路通路型態在消費者行為及滿意度關係上之影響效果-以女性保養品為例。顧客滿意學刊,5 (1),149-174。


