  • 學位論文


The Effect of Internet Auction on Consuming Behavior: A Research in a Clothing Auction Website

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 翁崇雄


隨著網際網路的普及,使用網際網路人口快速成長,創造出了新的電子商務經營模式,而其中網路拍賣是最受消費者歡迎的交易方式之ㄧ。然由於網路購物的情境與特性,使其與傳統實體商店之消費者行為有極大之差異,因此傳統消費者行為所累積眾多且深入的研究結果,未必能適用於網際網路消費者行為;此外雖然近年來已有越來越多的研究開始探討網路顧客的消費行為,然仔細分析其內涵可發現多數實證的探討皆是主觀的網路購物的消費行為意向,而非客觀的消費行為,故其研究結果終究與實際行為有所落差。 因此本研究以國內外電子商務實務界最盛行之服飾網路購物消費行為為研究對象,選取某大服飾拍賣網站為樣本,以其100年6~11月之85,000多筆顧客實際交易資料進行分析,探討消費者人口統計變數差異是否對消費行為之需求模式、消費能力、及顧客忠誠度造成干擾。藉由敘述統計分析,本研究得到下列結論: 一、 服飾網路拍賣網站顧客,年齡為19~32歲之間、居住區域為五都行政區與桃園縣之消費者,購買商品類別前三名為「上衣」、「褲子」、及「外套」,偏好出貨模式為「7-11 店配」,平均每人每次消費金額不到1,100元,每人每次銷退金額不到730元,退貨率約8%。 二、 消費年齡對需求模式、消費能力、及顧客忠誠度皆造成干擾,呈現19~32歲者的消費次數最多,然14~18 歲者購買配件商品比例高於33 歲以上者、然其他類型商品33 歲以上者比例高於14~18 歲者之現象。另33 歲以上者選擇宅配之出貨模式的比例較高。而年齡越大者,每人每次平均消費金額越高,且平均銷退金額與退貨率皆越低。 三、 消費者居住縣市對對需求模式、消費能力、及顧客忠誠度皆造成干擾,呈現以五都行政區與桃園縣的消費者之消費次數佔大多數、購買的商品類別最多前三名皆為「上衣」、「褲子」、「外套」、選擇出貨模式以「7-11 店配」為主之現象。不過每人每次平均消費金額最高、平均銷退金額最低者為海外之消費者。


With the advanced development of internet technology, the trade method of internet auction has been popular with consumers. It is doubted that we can understand the behavior characteristics of online shopping by previewing previous studies of traditional shopping behaviors or not. Thus, our object is to determine if overall online shopping behaviors could be affected by the differences of ages and residing areas by analyzing customers’ shopping data directly. We conducted a website-based study using an internet auction clothing company data services. The study population included about 85,000 customers shopping on the auction website from June 2011 to November 2011. Customers’ shopping behaviors were classified by consuming demand, consuming ability, and customers’ loyalty. By using statement statistical method, we got following results: 1. Most internet consumers, who were under graduate students, graduate students, and freshmen of society, were between 19 years old and 32 years old and resided in Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, and Taoyuan County. They preferred to buy the merchandise of clothing, pants, and coat. Besides, the primary pathway of merchandise receiving selected by them was 7-11 distribution centers. Finally, every customer was willing to pay under 1,100 TWD. It was also possible that They would return purchase (under 730 TWD per customer) much with a rate of 8%. 2. Ages modified customers’ shopping behaviors: consuming demand, consuming ability, and customers’ loyalty:Customers who were between 19 years old and 32 years old were willing to pay in times at most in online shopping;Customers who were over 33 years old were with a higher rate of buying goods except accessories than customers who were between 14 years old and 18 years old;Customers who were over 33 years old were willing to select “Home Delivery” as the primary pathway of merchandise receiving;With the increase of age, every customer would pay more and with a lower rate of purchase return. 3. Residing areas modified customers’ shopping behaviors: consuming demand, consuming ability, and customers’ loyalty:Moat customers resided in Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, and Taoyuan County. Besides, they preferred to buy the merchandise of clothing, pants, and coat and were willing to select “7-11 Distribution Centers” as the primary pathway of merchandise receiving. Finally, every overseas customer would pay more and with a lower rate of purchase return.


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