  • 學位論文


Exploring the Effects of Discovery Learning for Location-Based Historical Retrospection Mobile Game

指導教授 : 王健華


在現代生活習慣以及文化的轉變下,使得許多歷史場景消失在時代的洪流當中,先民所留下的智慧以及足跡,受到嚴重威脅。但在數位時代下,數位給了這些歷史場景無限的可能性,在良好的教學設計及應用下,使用行動遊戲將歷史文化傳授給學習者,除了讓數位得以重現人文,也讓人文繼續傳承下去。 本研究旨在建置出「學習歷史文化之適地性遊戲」,以李天祿布袋戲當作題材,利用擴增實境重建並回溯當年場景,讓學習者學習李天祿布袋戲之歷史文化,並且藉由分析學習者之學習成就,並輔以學習動機,比較探索式學習及記憶式學習之學習成效差異,進而探討探索式學習和記憶式學習的差別及發展可能性。其研究之實驗分成探索式學習和記憶式學習兩組,分別進行探索式學習和記憶式學習的學習活動,並且以前後測的方式判斷兩組間的學習成就是否具有差異,以及採用延後測,觀察兩組間的學習保留情形。 研究結果指出,探索式學習在適地性歷史回溯遊戲中,學習成就以及學習保留情形與記憶式學習相互比較,都具有一定之優勢存在,而在學習動機的表現,則是優於記憶式學習,兩者都證明了探索式學習在學習歷史文化方面,可能具有較為優秀表現的趨勢。因此研究認為探索式學習是一個可以發展並應用的學習策略,推薦給教學設計者、以及後續研究者參考。


In modern society, the lifestyle and cultures change rapidly. Some of the historic scenes, ancestor’s skills and wisdom are being threatened. Fortunately, in the digital age, computer technologies give an unlimited possibility to these historic scenes. For instance, by adopting good instructional design and applications of mobile learning games, which featuring retrospecting historic scenes by digital technologies, not only makes learners easily gain knowledge from the historic scenes but also helps the humanities passed down. This work aims at exploring the learning effect on discovery learning via constructing a location-based historic retrospection game. We choose the Li Tian-Lu puppet’s culture as the learning material and use augmented reality to retrospect historic scenes. By analyzing learner’s achievement and motivation, we can make comparisons on learning effect between discovering learning and rote learning then further discuss the differences and expansibility of them. In the experiments, we separate the subjects into two groups which indicates discovering learning and rote learning instructional design respectively. Several identical learning achievement tests are given to all subjects as the pretest, posttest and delay test to evaluate the achievement of learners. An additional questionnaire also be given to explore the motivation of learners on different instructional design. Initial data analyses indicated that different instructional strategies could result in different learning achievement and motivation. We conclude that learned information retains better through discovery learning strategy in a location-based game. This finding should prove valuable for instructional designers of location-based instructional game.


