  • 學位論文


A Study for Rukai Song's Culture-A Case Study of Kucapungane Tribe in Rinali

指導教授 : 錢善華


2015年好茶舊社部落石板屋聚落,被世界建築文物保護基金會入選為「2016世界建築文物守護計畫」名單。位於屏東霧台鄉的魯凱好茶部落,是西魯凱發源的母社之一,過去獨特的生活領域,發展出豐富的文化特色,除了石板建築受到國際價值認證,在歷史、藝術、音樂方面也是極具特色。 本文以遷村至禮納里的好茶部落為研究對象,除了進行歌謠的採集,也觀察在遷村後的好茶部落對於音樂文化的保存狀況,透過音樂的傳唱除了反映過去的生活樣貌、社會風氣,也記錄下改變後的適應與回憶,亦藉此分析歌謠與部落之間的情感關聯性。 全文共分六章:第一章緒論說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍、研究方法與文獻探討。第二章介紹好茶部落歷史背景與社會環境,透過部落背景能對於音樂生成環境有所了解。第三章歌謠特性,探討好茶部落族人對於「音樂」一詞的認知,從過去學者和部落族人兩者觀點為出發,對歌唱內容、形式與社會關聯進行初步論述。第四章對於歌唱有關的行為進行劃分與分析探討,探討種類包含不同類型的歌謠,和具有音樂性的tubi(哭)、以及傳統祭儀wacapi。第五章針對情感部分為出發,透過族人對音樂的集體記憶、族群意識,期盼對音樂研究有不同成面的發現。第六章檢視全文是否有達到最初研究目的,並歸納本研究的各個論點。


魯凱族 好茶部落 禮納里 歌謠 文化


Kucapungane is a village located in Wutai Township of Pingtung County. It is one of the places where western Rukai originated. Blessed with its unique environmental situations, it has developed abundant cultural characteristic. In addition to Stone-board House, it has a high cultural value in history, article and music. Fieldwork of this thesis was conducted after Kucapungane moved to Rinari. The fieldwork not only collected songs, but also observed the situation of cultural preservation about music after the migration of Kucapungane. Through these songs, we are able to understand the original forms of lives, politics and societies in Kucapungane. Moreover, by recording tribesmen’s conditions of adaptation and memories after migration, analyzing the connection between songs and their emotions becomes possible. This thesis divided into six chapters. Chapter I presents motivation, objects, methods and references of this research. Chapter II introduces background of Kucapungane village, such as history, society and other factors influence music. By knowing background of village, we can understand how its music formed. Chapter III probes how Kucapungane tribesmen recognize “Music” and discusses the way to classify songs from researchers and tribesmen’s view. Chapter IV records different kinds of songs, including normal songs and some behaviors with musical elements like “tubi” and “wacapi” ceremony. Chapter V focused on the emotions of music. Singing songs is not individual behavior. It is always connected with everyone in the village. This chapter tries to find out different aspects of music research through analyzing Kucapungane tribesmen’s collective memory about music. Final chapter checks whether this thesis accomplishes the goals of research or not and makes the conclusion.


Rukai Kucapungane Rinali songs culture


