  • 學位論文


Live Jazz Recording Production – Pay Tribute to Liu Chin-Chang who is a Jazz Pioneer of Taiwan when Taiwan was under Japanese Rules

指導教授 : 黃均人 宋文勝


1911年出生於嘉義的劉金墻,於1930年代遠赴日本發展音樂。透過本所畢業校友顏翩翩引薦及劉金墻家屬的協助,讓劉金墻收藏的老照片與舊樂譜得以進入國立臺灣師範大學數位典藏中心保存,從該批資料樂譜中可發現許多當時流行的爵士樂曲,照片中也有許多劉金墻演奏的身影。 本論文希望製作一張爵士樂現場錄音專輯,讓現今於臺灣發展的爵士音樂家,以自身的觀點回應該批老樂譜,連結相隔幾世代的爵士音樂家,向臺灣早期爵士樂先鋒劉金墻致敬。論文內容可分三部分,第一部份闡述「尋根與致敬」的專輯製作理念,透過爬梳史料,推測劉金墻接觸爵士樂的時空背景,賦予專輯故事性,並藉由參考不同專輯樣本,構思此專輯的風格走向;第二部分,說明專輯製作的各項前置工作,包含樂團編制選擇、專輯選曲、曲目順序安排、樂譜整理、錄音範本參考與錄音理念構思;第三部分,記錄實際現場錄音與後製的情況,包含音樂家現場編曲、錄音麥克風調整經過、混音與母帶製作時各種硬體和軟體測試,及最後成品完成的依據。本專輯製作的過程依循專輯理念,並由主觀個人聽感抉擇,內容偏向個人創作理念闡述與技術報告。


The thesis is about a studio production for paying tribute to Liu Chin-Chang who is a jazz pioneer of Taiwan when Taiwan was under Japanese rules. The thesis has three parts: In first part, I elaborate the idea of this album and refer to different album samples. In the second part, I plan to do a jazz recording production. I selected the songs from Liu’s collections and let the jazz musicians in Taiwan to respond these old sheets with their playing. I try to let the young jazz musicians in Taiwan connect to the old Taiwanese jazz musicians and pay tribute to Liu. In the third part, I make a record of the process of this live jazz recording production, including how I set up microphones, how I test the setting of equipment and software, and how I mixing and mastering to finish my project. The thesis is like a technical report and a creative concept report.


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Bartlett, Bruce. & Jenny.《實用錄音技術》。朱慰中 譯。人民郵電出版社,2014。
_______. 《現場音樂同期錄音》。馮漢英 譯。人民郵電出版社,2011。
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