  • 學位論文


Case Study on Applying Ocean-Issue into Arts Curriculum Development at Elementary School Level

指導教授 : 范聖韜


本論文的研究目的為探討海洋議題融入在國小藝術課程的教學歷程、對兒童學習 的影響、實施過程中的挑戰與相關問題,以因應現今十二年國教之藝術領域學習 重點,企圖達成素養導向之藝術學習。本論文的研究議題聚焦在—海洋議題如何 運用於國小藝術學習。本論文的研究方法為個案研究法,研究期程為一年八個月 (2016 年 8 月到 2018 年 4 月),以臺灣桃園市某國小、任課教師、協同教師、 協同社群、25 位四年級學童等為主要研究對象,實施藝術教學研究。從海洋議 題切入作為課程之主題,符應十二年國教總綱核心素養具體內涵,運用藝術領綱 之學習表現與學習內容,進行文本、音樂、戲劇、舞蹈、視覺藝術、音樂劇場等 多元藝術媒材的教學方法,意圖促進藝術學習之涵養與化育,同時增進學生的海 洋知能。本個案研究之研究工具包含文獻分析、深入訪談、教學觀察、研究日 誌、問卷調查、學生日記、學習檔案等,來評估教學的歷程。本研究結果發現: 一、海洋議題融入藝術課程,能同時提升學生的海洋素養,以及促進藝術的學 習。二、以海洋議題融入於藝術課程中,可發展為素養導向之學習。三、海洋議 題融入藝術課程之實施需要兩位以上之教師協同教學。本研究的貢獻在於為藝術 教育工作者、學校教育行政單位、研究者等,提供關於藝術教學上具體可行的實 施與建議。


The purpose of this study focuses on how ocean issue can be applied into arts curriculum of elementary school in Taiwan. This research period is one and a half years, from August 2016 to April 2018. This research investigates a classroom teacher, co-teachers, teacher community, and 25 fourth-grade students in an elementary school in Taoyuan City, northwest of Taiwan. Using “ocean” as a thematic issue of the curriculum, based on Twelve-Year Compulsory Education Curriculum, including music, drama, dance, visual arts, music theatre and others. This study attempts to improve the development of arts learning and marine education. The research deploys case study as methodology. The methods include literature review, in-depth interview, teaching observation, research’s field notes and reflection, as well as students’ feedback. This research concludes that: I. Applying ocean issue into arts curriculum can facilitate not only students’ ocean literacy but also arts learning process. II. Applying ocean issue into arts curriculum can lead to a literacy-based pedagogy. III. Team teaching is essential to issues-based arts teaching. This study contributes to a detailed analysis, a practical curriculum design, and future research directions on arts teaching for arts teachers, educators, practitioners, school administers, and future researchers.


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