  • 學位論文


The Analysis and Piano Collaborative Interpretation of Poulenc’s Sonata for Violin and Piano

指導教授 : 張詩欣


浦朗克 ( Francis Poulenc, 1899-1963 ) 為法國二十世紀上半葉代表性的作曲家,雖從未受過正式音樂學院教育,青年時為「法國六人組」(Les Six) 的成員之一,以薩悌 ( Eric Satie, 1866-1925 ) 為精神導師,並受斯特拉溫斯基 ( Igor Stravinsky, 1882-1971 ) 及新古典主義風格的作品影響至深;後因與男中音貝納克 ( Pierre Bernac, 1899-1979 ) 結識,創作大量藝術歌曲,被譽為繼佛瑞 ( Gabriel Fauré, 1845-1924 ) 之後最傑出的法國藝術歌曲作曲家之一。 浦朗克的作品共有兩百九十三首,樂種相當廣泛,包含合唱曲、歌劇、芭蕾舞劇、協奏曲、鋼琴獨奏曲、藝術歌曲及室內樂。《小提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲》( Sonata for Violin and Piano, 1942 ),題獻給於內戰中喪生的西班牙詩人費德烈・嘉西亞・羅卡 ( Federico García Lorca, 1898-1936 ) ,由三個樂章組成,創作手法可見許多斯特拉溫斯基的影響,例如頻繁變換的拍號、反覆的節奏型態與游移的調性,以及浦朗克作品中常見的巴黎流行音樂元素,即歌唱般優美的旋律和輕快的節奏。 本論文共分為五個章節,包含緒論、作曲家生平與創作風格、樂曲分析、鋼琴合作探討及結語。筆者期望透過不同面向的研究,對此曲有更詳盡的認識與細膩的演奏思考,同時期許能幫助之後欲演奏此曲的鋼琴合作者,更深刻地認識浦朗克及此曲的彈奏要領。


Francis Poulenc (1899-1963) was a representative French composer in the first half of the Twentieth-century. He did not attend any music school, yet, he was considered as the member of Les Six that regarded Erik Satie (1866-1925) as their mentor. He was also influenced profoundly by Igor Stravinsky’s (1882-1971) works in Neo-Classical style.For his partner baritone Pierre Bernac (1899-1979), Poulenc wrote numerous fine art songs. Thus, he was acclaimed as one of excellent French art-song composers after Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924). Poulenc’s two hundred and ninety-three works include choral music, operas, ballet, concerto, piano solo, artsongs and chamber music.Sonata for Violin and Piano was dedicated to the memory of the Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca (1899-1936),a victim of the Spanish Civil War.Many writing skills can be traced to Stravinsky’s influence, like frequent meter changes, repeating rhythmic patterns and tonal instability in three movements.Besides, Poulenc also wrote with elements of French popular music, such as songlike melody and quick rhythm. This paper contains five chapters: introduction, the background of Poulenc and his style of writing music, structural analysis, piano collaborative interpretation of Sonata for Violin and Piano and conclusion. The author wishes to reach detailed understanding and collaborative performing techniques of this sonata and let another collaborative pianist interpret the composer and the main points of playing through this study.


Poulenc Les Six Sonata for Violin and Piano


Poulenc, Francis. Sonata for Violin and Piano FP.119, ed. by Ginette Neveu. Paris: Max Eschig, 1944.
