  • 學位論文


Examining Education for the sake of Educating: A Dialectic about the Place of Fundamental Readings in Culture Used in Senior High Schools

指導教授 : 李玉馨


關於高中國文課程「文化基本教材」存廢與否的定位問題,從95課綱實施後,至今尚無共識。因此本論文以「辯證法」釐清爭議本質,找出真正問題所在;並藉由分析目前人類所共同面臨的危機,反思教育者應有的教育視野。期盼這個從教育角度出發的觀點,能為文化基本教材找到更理想的出路。 本論文共分五章:第一章為緒論,第二章介紹文化基本教材的發展歷史,從五四運動時儒家地位產生變化開始,到國民黨遷台之初的政治氛圍,都是文化基本教材出現的原因。而教材本身的發展,可以95暫綱為基準,分為「中國文化基本教材」及「中華文化基本教材」兩期:前期除了陳立夫版本有一些疑義外,使用上大致平穩,沒有太大的問題;而後期則因政黨開始進行輪替,故文化基本教材亦隨之時存時廢,爭議也就難以平息。接著第三章及第四章,則分別梳理「保留文化基本教材」與「廢除文化基本教材」的支持者說法,以利將雙方觀點進行對照。到了第五章,再根據雙方論點進行分析與辯證,凸顯問題真正核心。在解決方案方面,先就目前人類所面臨的危機進行勾勒,並依照前述研究發現,對教育工作者未來運用文化基本教材給予視野和規劃上的建議。


There has been no consensus on the issue of Fundamental Readings in Culture used in senior high schools since Curriculum Guidelines of 2006. Therefore, this study adopted a dialectic approach to identify its core problem and then analyzed the crises now facing humanity. The aims were to find out a better perspective that educators should have, as well as a better way to treat Fundamental Readings in Culture This study is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is an introduction to the issue. Chapter 2 explains the history of Fundamental Readings in Culture, from the May Fourth Movement, the change of Confucianism status, and the retreat of Kuomintang moved to Taiwan. There are all was the reasons why Fundamental Readings in Culture appeared. The development of Fundamental Readings in Culture is divided into Fundamental Readings in China Culture and Fundamental Readings in Chinese Culture, based on the Curriculum Guidelines of 2006. Fundamental Readings in China’s Culture has no big problem other than Chen Li Fu’s version. However, Fundamental Readings in Chinese Culture has caused great disputes about its place due to party alternation. Chapters 3 and 4 sort out respectively the arguments of both parties and compare their views. Chapter 5 is a dialectic about the two sides. It indicates the real problem and then proposes some solutions in terms of the current crises of mankind. Finally, recommended that educators should have a better plan for Fundamental Readings in Culture used in the forthcoming 12-Year Compulsory Education.


台灣教材大陸借鏡 余光中:台灣應珍惜(2008,5月)。大紀元。取自https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/8/5/10/n2112066.htm
