  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 施登堯


本研究旨在透過個人與社會責任模式於國小五年級學生之體育課進行教學,了解學生在個人與社會責任模式的學習過程中,其多元智能的表現情形,以及影響其多元智能之因素。本研究參與對象為臺北市某國民小學五年級15位學生,進行十週共20節課之個人與社會責任模式課程,透過觀察、半結構式訪談、學生學習單等蒐集資料,將所獲得之相關質性資料,根據紮根理論之開放性編碼加以分解、檢視、比較、概念化 及歸類,接著進行文件分析,根據內容相互比對,尋找出相關性內容。依據研究結果所得之結論如下: 一、學生不僅能發展人際、內省和身體動覺三種智能,在經過體育教師課程設計、教學策略應用及器材的使用,其語文、邏輯數學、空間、音樂和自然觀察者智能也都擁有表現的機會。 二、課程設計、師生互動、小組學習及學生的特質是影響學生人際及內省智能的因素,而身體動覺智能,則是課程設計、小組學習和學生的特質對學生來說影響最大。其中,人際、內省及身體動覺智三者皆容易受到學生本身的心情,而產生行為或自我看法的變化。


The purpose of the study is to teach students in the physical education class of the fifth grade students through the TPSR, to understand the student’ performance in the process of TPSR, and the factors that affect their multiple intelligences. The study was conducted by 15 students in the fifth grade of a national elementary school in Taipei City. The 10-week course on TPSR was collected through observation, semi-structured interview, study sheets, etc. The relevant qualitative data is decomposed, inspected, compared, conceptualized and classified according to the open coding of the grounded theory. Then, the document analysis is carried out, and the relevant content is found according to the content comparison. The conclusions based on the results are as follows: 1. students can not only develop three kinds of intelligences: interpersonal, intrapersonal and bodiy-kinesthetic, but also have the opportunity to performance their language, logic-mathematical, spatial, musical and naturalist intelligence by the design of PE teacher, the application of teaching strategies and the use of equipment. 2. Curriculum design, teacher-student interaction, group study and student traits are factors that affect students' interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, while bodiy-kinesthetic intelligence is the most influential for students in curriculum design, group learning and student traits. Among them, interpersonal, intrapersonal and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence are all susceptible to the mood of the students themselves, resulting in changes in behavior or self-perception.


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