  • 學位論文


Application of Virtual Reality and Stereoscopic Panorama for Interior Design

指導教授 : 張鈞法


購買房屋是許多人努力追求的生活目標,人口數增加使得居住密集度越來越高,如何有效利用空間,兼顧生活機能與個人風格,成為一大課題。室內空間的經營與運用搭載著許多人的夢想,與人們居於其中如何生活、如何和空間產生互動息息相關。而室內設計師則幫助客戶滿足期望,將夢想實現。 虛擬實境的發展能讓室內設計師與客戶之間更有效地進行溝通,在有限的空間、時間與成本壓力之下,讓空間的實用性與個人風格化的空間設計產生連結。因此,本研究以虛擬實境於室內設計之應用為目的,探討如何以較高擬真效果的非即時繪製方法產生立體全景影像,讓空間中的光影變化、裝飾材料、色彩設計、傢俱、燈具和陳列品更完美呈現於使用者的眼前。 本研究分為非即時影像繪製、立體全景影像的製作原理,以及虛擬實境跨平台應用等三部分作討論,研究結果顯示:即使場景相對複雜,非即時影像繪製方法相較於光柵化的即時繪製更具真實感,且更能得到穩定的虛擬實境體驗品質。透過改變繪製方法的相機設定,讓使用者得以於虛擬實境頭戴顯示器中觀看具立體效果的全景影像。另外,利用 WebVR API 可以輕易達到虛擬實境跨平台應用;然而,對於不同平台間的相容性仍有部分待改善之處。本研究的討論結果,可作為室內設計於虛擬實境應用之參考。


Investing in real estate is a goal to pursue in many people’s lives. As population grows, the high population density makes us think: “How can we manage our interior space effectively with both perfect life function and personal style?” Interior space management and utilization is related to how people live inside this space, and how people interactive with this space. Using their professional knowledge, interior designers make customers’ dreams come true. Under the pressure of limitation of space, time, and cost, designers and customers may want to make interior space functionality and personal style be precisely connected as soon as possible. And applications of virtual reality for interior design does this. Photorealistic pre-rendering is good at physically-based ray tracing that can render lighting, shadowing, and material of furniture and decoration more detailed. For the reason that to enhance users’ experiences, in this research, we set the application of virtual reality for interior design as a goal to achieve, study on stereoscopic panorama via photorealistic pre-rendering for virtual reality. In this research, we discuss pre-rendering, stereoscopic panorama images, and cross-platform applications of virtual reality. As results, panoramic images and videos with complex scenes rendered by pre-rendering are more photorealistic than rendered by real-time rendering, and they are more stable in virtual reality experiences. It is a way to see stereo images in display devices by setting camera modes before rendering. For cross-platform application, although the compatible problem in offset are concerned, WebVR API is still a choice to implement easily.


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