  • 學位論文

無標記式擴增實境應用於漫畫銅像創作研究 -- 以水木茂之道為例

A Study of Markless Augmented Reality Applying on the Creation of Bronze Sculptures of Japanese Comics - Take Mizuki Shigeru Road as an Example

指導教授 : 周賢彬


根據eMarketer截至2017年的統計,臺灣智慧型手機用戶佔全體手機用戶89.3%,顯示智慧型手機在生活當中已成為必備物品之一。鑒於智慧型手機市場蓬勃發展,交通部觀光局推動智慧觀光,其中包含3D觀光應用系統與擴增實境(AR)。然而面對全球化的競爭,各國都積極發展區域觀光。在日本將漫畫的軟實力結合銅像,發展出「漫畫銅像」形成在地特色的觀光資源。 漫畫銅像的出現顯示銅像從以往的紀念、裝飾目的發展出以觀光與都市型塑為目標的功能(吳宗倫,2018)。也因資訊與通訊科技結合觀光發展智慧觀光,是未來旅遊的發展目標。因此本研究將以無標記式擴增實境結合漫畫銅像建置擴增實境系統為目的,並對圖卡重量進行設計,探討重量回饋對擴增實境體驗是否有正向的提升。再根據創作結果提出,擴增實境應用於漫畫銅像展示的建議。本研究以水木茂之道漫畫銅像作為研究目標,並以《鬼太郎》漫畫中8位主角群銅像作為模型建置的對象。針對擴增實境、沉浸體驗、旅遊目的地熟悉感、與漫畫銅像進行相關文獻回顧,了解其定義與發展脈絡,並對鳥取水木茂之道進行實地訪查與相關資料收集。 根據研究所創作的水木茂之道擴增實境系統歸納出2點結論: 1.圖卡重量設計對於擴增實境體驗有正向的提升。2.銅像模型優化有助於擴增實境多圖卡同時偵測與操作。而後續創作建議有4項: 1.當圖卡圖片中的角色圖像無法進行更動時,需針對背景設計、添加圖示等,藉此增加辨識特徵,讓模型能穩定呈現。2.圖卡手持操作時會受到手腕角度的限制,因此建議後續創作者,可將擴增實境改成頭戴式並搭配虛擬按鈕以利系統操作。3.水木茂之道漫畫銅像擴增實境系統運行於不同設備,所表現的模型材質與光影品質不一。後續研究者需避免因設備效能不同所產生的模型品質差異,進而降低使用者的體驗感受。4.雖然本研究所創作的擴增實境系統,在聲音、視覺、手感及互動上皆有回饋。若能提高擴增實境系統的趣味性,更能讓使用者與銅像之間產生情感連結。


According to eMarketer statistics until 2017, smartphone users account for up to 89.3% in all mobile users in Taiwan, which shows that smartphone has become a necessity of life. On account of the flourishing smartphone market, Tourism Bureau, MOTC (Ministry of Transportation and Communications) is promoting Smart Tourism Taiwan, which 3D tourism application system and Augmented Reality(AR) is included. However, facing global competition, many countries are now proactively promoting regional tourism. And in Japan, they combined bronze sculptures with manga, which successfully become one of tourism resources with local characteristics. With the advent of manga bronze sculptures, the erection of bronze sculptures is not only for memorial or decorating purpose, but also for sightseeing and city shaping now (Wu, T. L. 2018). On the other hand, one of the development goals is to make use of information and communications technology. For this reason, based on an application of Markerless AR on bronze sculptures, this study tries to design the weight of marker and to discuss if the weight feedback could improve the experience of AR. According to the results, some suggestions of applying AR on manga sculptures will be made in conclusion. As research object, this study will make a research on the bronze sculptures on Mizuki Shigeru Road, and choose the eight main characters of GeGeGe no Kitaro as the objects in model building. To clarify the definitions and development context, literature review in AR, flow experience, destination familiarity and manga bronze sculptures and field research and information collection on Mizuki Shigeru Road are included in this study. Based on the result of building Mizuki Shigeru Road AR system, we reach two conclusions in this study: 1. Weight design of AR Markers enhances AR experience. 2. Optimizing bronze sculpture model benefits the procedure of detecting and operating several AR markers simultaneously. In the end, there are three suggestions: 1.When the character pattern is unable to modify, increasing feature recognitions such as redesigning the background or adding icons can help the model displayed stably. 2. The operation of handheld marker would be restricted by wrist angles. It might be more easy to use head-mounted display with virtual button. 3.When operating Mizuki Shigeru AR system, the quality of display such as materials and colors might be uneven due to different device.4. In this AR system, people can get vocal, visual, tactile and interactive feedback. It can create emotional connection between users and the manga bronze sculptures by incorporating more interesting elements in this AR system.


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