  • 學位論文


A Study on the Professional Competency for the Financial Advisor in Securities Firm: The Case of P Securities Firm.

指導教授 : 黃能堂


2015年行政院金管會為臺灣金融環境提出「打造數位化之金融環境3.0」計畫,鬆綁銀行、保險、證券等行業現行法規,掀起臺灣金融業的革命。臺灣雖在2014年已建置證券業財富管理人員的職能基準,但此職能基準與整體金融大環境及證券業實務操作有大幅落差,財富管理人員勢必要轉型為客戶導向,以提供客戶最完善之服務,符合客戶需求。 本研究運用文獻蒐集(美國O*NET、美國理財規劃顧問認證協會、澳洲訓練套件與臺灣iCAP職能基準)與訪談P券商3位高階主管探討適用現在金融環境財富管理人員職能,再與P券商財富管理相關主管及資深績優營業員開三場焦點團體研究,建置出適合P券商財富管理人員實務所需之職能,以應用至P券商未來人力資源各項業務(選、訓、育、用、留)上,厚植P券商財富管理人員之專業職能,以提供高淨值客戶最合適之服務。 本研究成果以勞動部勞動力發展署iCAP職能基準為基本架構,針對P券商財富管理人員專業職能建置出7項主要職責、22項工作任務、以及12項工作產出之展現,職能內涵一共建置11項知識、10項技能、以及5項態度之展現。


證券商 財富管理人員 職能


In 2015, Financial Supervisory Commission in Taiwan proposed the plan “Bank 3.0”, setting off a revolution in Taiwan’s financial industry. Although in 2014, Taiwan has constructed the Occupational Competency Standard (OCS) for financial advisors in securities firms, but a remarkable gap still exists between the OCS, and the securities business practice. As a result, financial advisors are bound to transform into customer-oriented so as to provide best services to customers to satisfy their needs. This study reviewed previous research data (U.S. O* NET, CFP® Board of Standards, Australian Training Packages and Taiwan’s OCS) and interviewed three senior executives from P securities firm about financial advisor s’ professional competency in current financial environment, then held three focus group researches with finance-related managers and outstanding senior specialists in order to build up the appropriate professional competency for P securities firm’s financial advisors, so as to apply to future human resource practice to provide the best services for the customers. The result of this research is based on Workforce Development Agency’s iCAP OCS framework, resulting a total of 7 major duties, 22 tasks, 12 work outputs, 11 knowledges, 10 skills, and 5 attitudes are further identified.


中華民國行業標準分類(2016 年 07 月 31 日)。
今周刊(2017)。2017 今周刊第 11 屆財富管理銀行暨證券評鑑得獎名單。取自:http://event.businesstoday.com.tw/wealth/page1.html
