  • 學位論文


The Pianists’ Innovative Thinking:The Documentary Film of Lina Yeh and Rolf-Peter Wille’s "Piano Theater" Concert Series

指導教授 : 黃均人


葉綠娜與魏樂富為知名的臺灣雙鋼琴家,兩人的音樂會經常藉由跨領域展現創新思維,本研究先以兩人的歷年節目單與影音資料等為基礎,按年代整理排序,觀察葉綠娜與魏樂富在製作音樂會上的創意變化,再來以「鋼琴劇場」系列音樂會為主軸,分析其歷史沿革、音樂會模式與內容,最後對葉綠娜進行訪談,請她分享在製作這系列音樂會的心路歷程,同時將之以影像記錄。 此外,葉綠娜與魏樂富在2018年6月10日,與國家交響樂團合作,推出一場結合音樂、朗誦與故事性的音樂會,其中有兩首曲目:《臺灣動物狂歡節》與《小紅帽與大黑琴》正是出自「鋼琴劇場」系列音樂會,筆者有幸取得主辦單位與演出者的同意,參與三場彩排並進行錄像。 視覺傳達是時代趨勢,使用影音的方式記錄,比起文字,更能完整保存事情的原貌,特別是人物的肢體語言與訪談的音調,這是光憑文字無法做到的。葉綠娜提供相當豐富的歷史影音資料與照片,因此除了文字描述之外,筆者亦嘗試用影像去述說兩位鋼琴家的經歷,以較生動的方式,呈現葉綠娜與魏樂富在系列音樂會所走過的點滴,讓他人能「看見」兩人的創新歷程。


鋼琴劇場 葉綠娜 魏樂富


Lina Yeh and Rolf-Peter Wille are famous due-pianists in Taiwan. Their music often brings out new thoughts across fields. This study first organized their past concert programs and video/audio data by years for the purpose of identifying their creativity changes in their concert productions. Then, this study analyzed their music history, concert models, and contents based on the “Piano Theater” concert series. Lastly, this study conducted an interview with Lina Yeh, in which she shared her journey of producing this series. The interview was recorded as a video. In addition, on June 10th, 2018, Lina Yeh and Rolf-Peter Wille worked with the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) to hold a concert combining music, readings, and stories. Two of the songs performed, “Carnival of the Taiwanese Animals” and “Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Black Piano”, are from the “Piano Theater” concert series. The author of this article had the honor to participate in the three rehearsals and filmed them with the authorization of the organizer and the performers. Communicating messages through visuals has become a trend. An event can be better preserved in its original form through video and audio recordings can preserve than text, especially when people’s body languages and tones in interviews are involved. Lina Yeh provided plenty of historical video/audio data and photos. Therefore, besides text descriptions, the author also tried to recount the two pianists’ experiences through videos, presenting in a more vivid way the paths Lina Yeh and Rolf-Peter Wille had walked in relation to the concert series, so that others can “see” their courses of innovation.


Lina Yeh Rolf-Peter Wille Piano Theater


魏樂富。《冷笑的鋼琴》。葉綠娜 譯。台北:大呂出版社,1988。
______。《怎樣暗算鋼琴家》。葉綠娜 譯。台北:大呂出版社,1991。
______。《台北沙拉》。葉綠娜 譯。台北:大呂出版社,1994。
