  • 學位論文


Parenting in the Pressure Cooker : Malaysian Chinese family

指導教授 : 周麗端


馬來西亞華人家庭在面對多元文化主義、族群壓力和文化適應壓力之時,可以如何堅持自己的家庭教養價值觀,馬來西亞華人父母如何應對家庭教養壓力及實踐的差異所帶來的衝擊和壓力之時,如何因應教養壓力。本研究透過「家庭壓力脈絡模式」探討馬來西亞華人家庭的教養壓力,傾聽父母對於教養的心聲,以期進一步了解父母因應教養壓力的策略。 研究對象為家中有至少一位國中或高中年齡子女之馬來西亞華人家長。藉由詮釋父母的教養壓力及其因應策略的現象,以半結構式的深度訪談六對馬來西亞華人家庭父母收集資料,所得文本採用「主題分析法」進行資料分析。 本研究發現馬來西亞父母教養壓力源自於經濟資源壓力、教養觀念、文化壓力、社會發展壓力。而父母面對因應壓力分別來自於「個人內在脈絡」及「環境外在脈絡」兩個層面,個人內在脈絡包含:調整信念、夫妻間的互相協調;再者是家庭內部結構的支持系統,如家人的關懷及資源支持和家庭凝聚力。環境外在脈絡上所在社區的資源發揮了極大的作用,其包含師長及家長團體的正向支持、資源共享、於信仰的啟發。最後,本研究結果針對馬來西亞華人青少年家庭教育、學校輔導以及未來研究提出建議以供參考。


Malaysian Chinese family’s parents adhere under the pressure of multiculturalism, ethnic and cultural adaptation which influence their parenting values, parenting stress, challenges, and coping strategies. The research through “The contextual model of Family stress” to study the parenting stress of Malaysian Chinese family’s parents under Malaysia cultural context through listen about their challenges in parenting and strategies of parents to cope with parenting stress. Interviewee as Malaysian Chinese parents who have at least one middle or high school age child in their family. By interpreting the phenomenon of parental upbringing stress and its corresponding strategies, using semi-structured in-depth interviews with six pairs of Malaysian Chinese parents sharing was used as collect data, and the resulting text was analyzed by using the "Thematic analysis method". This study found that Malaysian Chinese parenting stress under Malaysia context are causes or influence by the pressure of economic resources, the concept, and belief of parenting, cultural pressure, and social development pressure. Besides, parents’ coping strategies can be seen on two points are “personal internal context" and "environmental external context". The personal internal context includes adjustment of beliefs and coordination between husband and wife and the support system for the internal structure of the family, such as Family care and resource support, and family cohesion. By the way, as external resources, the community resources have played a great role, including positive support from teachers and parent groups, resource sharing, and inspiration from faith. At the end of the results, this study put forward suggestions for school and family education, school counseling, and future research on Malaysia parental education as references.


