  • 學位論文


A Study of Hyperbole Using in Poster — A Case of Gender Role Issue

指導教授 : 蘇文清




誇飾 視覺修辭 性別角色 海報


Hyperbole originates from rhetoric and is the intentional use of exaggeration for theme modification in order to make stronger impressions on viewers and thus achieve emotional association or impact thinking. It can be divided into concept and image hyperboles. Through analysis of hyperbole literature that encompasses rhetoric, psychology, and visual application, theories of visual arts that span surrealism, advertising, comics and animation are transferred into hyperbole representations and fundamental theories of gender roles are thematically investigated in terms of the anthropological, sociological and psychological aspects. Research methods include a literature review as the discursive foundation, induction of opinions of hyperbole rules from expert interviews with the Delphi method, and consolidation of hyperbole representations and a design process flowchart. The research results can be concluded as follows. (1) There are six methods of concept hyperboles, i.e. metaphor, analog, metonymy, anagram, symbol, and quotation. (2) There are seven methods of image hyperboles, i.e. deformation in size and scale, deformation in shape, repetition and quantity, textual replacement, dramatization, fragmentation and reorganization, and blending of heterogeneous forms. (3) Rhetoric methods are combined to form a process of hyperbole design. Based on the abovementioned comprehensive research on hyperbole, this creation study applies hyperbole in design with the issue of gender roles as the core of poster creation themes, which are divided into seven themes in accordance with the process of gender socialization, i.e. changes in cultural vocabularies, family upbringing, schooling, bullying, media eulogization, role assignment, and social space.


hyperbole visual rhetoric gender role poster


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