  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study on Glocalization of Chinese Supplementary Teaching Materials for Children in International Schools

指導教授 : 蕭惠貞


近年來印尼學習華文熱持續升溫,許多華文學習課程、補習班或機構如雨後春筍般出現,印尼華文教育未來的發展,可說是潛力無窮。隨著華語國際推 廣的發展,「教材」也越來越受到重視。在海外的華文教育,常常為求方便而直 接使用外來教材,例如在印尼的國際學校多使用新加坡、中國、馬來西亞或是 臺灣的教材,但是這樣往往會造成「水土不服」的現象。 李潤新(2006)提到兒童華語教材編寫內容應貼近學習者生活和認知能力 的廣泛話題,同時也要注重趣味性。因此,研究者為增加教材的「針對性」,以印尼泗水新加坡國民學校的小學三、四年級學生為例,針對教師及學習者的問 卷調查與分析,並根據兒童教學理論、全球在地化理論架構,以及教師、學生 的問卷調查分析,編寫華語在地化輔助教材,以期更貼近學習者的生活經驗, 提升華語學習興趣。 研究者將所設計的在地化輔助教材實際應用於印尼的國際學校中,並在課 程結束後,讓學生填寫滿意度調查,其中「這份教材能有效地幫助我學習」以及「教材內容符合我的文化背景」得到很高的分數。此外,研究者在教材中以 「我學過」標示出學生學過的單字,讓學生檢核是否已將這些單字記起來,使 教材更具系統性。最後,研究者根據研究結果提出具體建議及在地化輔助教材範例,將全球在地化設計的內容與教師課程實施的情形作為國際學校在地化輔 助教材之參考。


In recent years, learning Chinese in Indonesia has become more popular. Many Chinese courses, cram schools, and institutions have sprung up, and the future development of Chinese education in Indonesia has unlimited potential. With the development of the international promotion of Chinese language, teaching materials, the basis of Chinese language teaching, have been gaining more attention. However, Chinese education institutions usually depend on foreign teaching materials imported from Chinese-speaking countries. For example, international schools in Indonesia often use textbooks from Singapore, China, Malaysia, or Taiwan, all of which may not match for Indonesian culture. Li Runxin (2006) mentioned that Chinese teaching materials for children should be written on extensive themes that are close to the learner’s life and cognitive abilities, as well as interest. Therefore, in order to make more relatable teaching materials, I will examine a case study of Singapore National Academy in Surabaya, Indonesia. I designed glocalized Chinese supplementary teaching materials based on children's teaching theory, Glocalized theoretical framework, and the sruveys of the teachers and students in order to be more relatable to learners and increase their overall interest in learning Chinese. Moreover, I supplied the glocalized supplementary teaching materials to international schools in Indonesia. After the courses, the students were asked to fill out a survey. Among the statements, "This textbook can effectively help me to learn" and "The content of the textbook matches my cultural background" received high scores. In addition, I used an "I have learned" section in the textbook to mark vocabulary acquisition; furthermore, students were encouraged to test their own vocabulary retention with this section, which made the teaching materials more systemetical. Based on the research results, specific suggestions and examples of glocalized supplementary teaching materials are put forward. The glocalized teaching materials designed for and used in this study as well as their implementation in the courses will be used as references for international schools.


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