  • 學位論文


Using Big Data Approach to Explore the Agenda Setting with Euthanasia-Taking Fu Da-ren’s Death as an Example

指導教授 : 蔣旭政


在2016年臺灣知名的體育主播傅達仁自確診罹患胰臟癌末期後,開始進行一連串安樂死的推動,並遠赴瑞士執行安樂死,傅達仁的身份帶動安樂死議題掀起大量的媒體報導。而安樂死從古至今都是具備極度爭議性的議題,也皆存在不同的立場與觀點,同時安樂死所影響的層面過於廣泛,也因此一直以來成為社會大眾存在質疑性及爭論性的議題。對於敏感性議題之下,傅達仁在提倡與執行安樂死所能引起的大量媒體報導安樂死議題,媒體所產生的新聞報導議題設定在其效果值得探討與研究。 本研究以鉅量取徑方式,以議題設定理論作為基礎架構,Python作為研究工具為本研究於指定區間中進行資料探勘,並以詞頻分析不同媒體對於安樂死的議題設定差異性,進一步會以詞語共現分析傅達仁與安樂死的共現關連性。透過Python抓取資料顯示,四間網路新聞媒體於2016年12月6日至2018年6月7日間所蒐集以安樂死議題進行的報導共588則,而從588則新聞量所進行詞頻分析的總詞數為2333個。 籍由詞頻統計、報導量、PMI值等之敘述統計以及文字雲探勘與文字探勘進行分析發現,不同的媒體性質會直接影響該媒體對於同一同一議題所著重的焦點、豐富度有明顯的差異性,議題的獨特性直接影響媒體報導所產生的效應與效果。而議題的熱點前期與後期的報導量差異性會具有顯著的差異性。但透過傅達仁的事件,也讓媒體對於安樂死的議題所產生的報導量顯著較過去成長,而媒體報導內容的數量、方向與強調性也取決於議題事件最有關連性的人事物。


In 2016, Taiwanese television presenter, sports author and activist, Fu Da-ren, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. After he was diagnosed with having cancer, he was scheduled to die via physician-assisted suicide marked the end of his personal battle with terminal pancreatic cancer and public fight for right-to-die laws in Taiwan. Though of Fu Da-ren, Euthanasia has been an extremely hot issue in Taiwan Media. From before until now, Euthanasia is a highly controversial issue, and the issue involved different positions and viewpoints, that is why always been a questionable and controversial issue. With sensitive topics, Fu Da-ren was started actively supported euthanasia and decided ends life by euthanasia, lead to huge amount of media coverage have caused euthanasia issues. At the same time, the Agenda Setting with Euthanasia is worth discussing and studying. This study attempts to using big data to and the theoretical base of agenda-setting. Observation data collection from December 6, 2016 to June 7, 2018, Using Python collected 588 news coverage and 2333 frequent words. Based on descriptive statistics of word frequency statistics, reporting volume, PMI value show that the media richness characteristics affected by media types. On the other hand, Hot issues in media coverage in the early and late periods is will be significantly different. However, The media representation of euthanasia issues has grown significantly over the past, Moreover, the media coverage was depend on the most relevant things in the issue.


