  • 學位論文


A Study of Usability Evaluation of Digital Humanities Databases: A Case Study of the Taiwan Biographical Database

指導教授 : 柯皓仁


本研究以臺灣歷史人物傳記資料庫(Taiwan Biographical Database,TBDB)為案例,針對該資料庫進行可用性評估,以發掘資料庫的改善要因;並於進行可用性評估過程中,一併了解受測對象-歷史學系碩士研究生的資料庫使用概況,希望能更貼切其需求,促成數位人文在歷史研究領域的應用及實現。 本研究徵求15位受測者。研究方法採用放聲思考法,放聲思考法為可用性評估方法之一,受測者在受測過程中將想法及問題進行口頭敘述,為收集受測者的真實想法之有效方法。 研究結果發現,在資料庫使用概況部分,歷史學系碩士研究生使用資料庫的目的多為進行研究;而他們的資料庫使用頻率相當高,為一周使用數次;歷史學研究生最常使用的資料庫為中央研究院漢籍電子文獻;在使用資料庫時會注重的部分為查詢類別的豐富度。 在問卷結果分析中,得知受測者認為TBDB整體可用性為普通,以五等量表評估所得平均值為3.2;在TBDB中最受到受測者喜歡且認為可用於研究中的功能為人際網絡圖分析。在資料庫改善建議部分,則是針對查詢、分析、輸出、整體頁面及功能四個部分做建議。 根據研究結果,提出研究建議: TBDB需要先進行版面設計改善,其次是網絡圖不易操作的問題,接著則是功能設計的意義是否貼切使用者需求。


This study uses the Taiwan Biographical Database (TBDB) as a research case. It mainly evaluates the usability of TBDB and then proposes the improvement of the TBDB. This study invites 15 research participants, which are master students from the department of history. This study attempts to understand their experiences in using history-related database, hoping to design database more suitable for their needs and promote the application and implementation of digital humanities in the field of historical research. This study adopts the think-aloud research method for usability evaluation. The research participants verbally described their thoughts and problems in the process of usability evaluation. The main findings on the participants’ experiences in using history-related databases are as follows: (1) master students of historic study use history-related databases for their research and a majority of them use history-related databases several time a week; (2) the most commonly used database for history master students is the Chinese literature of the Central Research Institute; (3) when using databases, they pay most attention to the richness of the query categories. The main findings on the usability evaluation of TBDB are as follows: (1)the average rating of TBDB using Likert 5-point scale is 3.2, a scale between fair and good; (2) the function of TBDB mostly favored by the research participants and considered to be usable in their study is the social network analysis; (3) it is necessary for TBDB to make improvement in the aspects of query, analysis, output, overall layout design, and functions. According to the research results, research suggestions are proposed: TBDB needs to firstly improve the layout design, followed by the problem that the network diagram is not easy to operate, and then the meaning of the functional design is appropriate to the user's needs.


一、 中文文獻
王平、鈕亮、金觀濤、劉青峰(2018)。五代北宋山水畫的數位人文研究 (二)-以漁隱主題為例。數位典藏與數位人文,(1),127-147。
