  • 學位論文


Principal Leadership in the New Media Age: A Preliminary Study from the Perspective of Media Literacy

指導教授 : 林子斌


在新媒體技術蓬勃發展的二十一世紀中,媒體環境的改變不只已經成為我們文化中的一部分,也進而對學校教育的環境產生衝擊與影響。校長是一所學校的領導者,必須要在變化的環境中掌握脈絡並因應學校內外部參與者的需求,本研究的目的便是探討在新媒體時代下校長領導與媒體素養的關係,並理解校長領導的情境脈絡下,需要什麼樣特定的媒體素養組合。 本研究以個案研究為取徑,訪談七位參與過「大學,請讓我們好好教孩子」連署活動,具有媒體參與經驗之公立高中校長,並以所屬學校為個案範疇,探討在學校環境與校長領導的脈絡下,校長對媒體素養的觀點。透過不同個案分析後,本研究發現新媒體的發展,一方面為校長提供以新媒體技術為治校工具的關係,另一方面新媒體環境也與學校生態互相影響,成為校長經營管理學校時不可忽視的重要因素。奠基在這樣的基礎上,本研究整合並建構一個符合脈絡性的校長領導-媒體素養組合,這個組合強調領導焦點(校務正常運作、課程教學品質、學生學習中心)作為引導校長發展媒體素養知能的方向,並且將校長所需的媒體素養分為校長個別層級知能(媒體轉化、後設媒體認知、媒體責任)與學校團隊共享知能(媒體參與、媒體運用),整體而言,透過上述媒體素養組合,有助於校長在新媒體時代檢視其領導脈絡與專業角色,並藉此發展對應的媒體素養知能。 本研究提出的校長領導-媒體素養組合,透過與Buckingham媒體素養概念模型與新媒體素養框架的比較與分析後,進行了精緻化的修正與討論,並就媒體素養組合提供實務工作者應用上的建議與提醒,並對後續校長領導領域與媒體素養領域有興趣的研究者,提出後續研究可能的方向。


In the twenty-first century, the development of new media has created a new culture of interaction and changed the way we communicate, and brought huge impact to school education. Principal as the main leader of a school, needs to respond to the change of environment and keep focus on the educational purpose for school participants including students, teachers, and administrators. This study is aimed to investigate the relationship between principal leadership and media literacy in the new media age, and what kind of specific media literacy set would be beneficial for principal to lead the school. Seven public high school principals who attended the petition of “Universities, let us teach the children well” were selected as the cases for this study to share their perspectives of media literacy based on their experience of their media participation and school leadership. Through analyzing the data collected from the semi-structured interview, it is found that the development of new media in one way offered principals new tools for managing school, in another way impact the school culture which become a new factor that principals need to consider in. The Principal Leadership- Media Literacy Set (PL-ML Set) is proposed in this study to show the specific media literacy that principals need in the context of leadership focus on school practice, classroom practice and student learning. The media literacy set is divided into individual literacy (media transformation, meta-media cognition, and media responsibility) and school team-shared literacy (media participation and media use). Overall, the PL-ML Set can help principals to examine their professional roles in new media age, and develop the corresponding media literacy with the context of their leadership practice. Finally, the PL-ML Set is compared with Buckingham’s media literacy conceptual model and New Media Literacy Framework. The PL-ML Set is further discussed and refined though the comparison. The suggestions to the practitioners and the follow-up researchers are mentioned for the possible direction of the application and further investigation.


壹、 中文部分:
中央通訊社(2018年3月)。台大五冠王報導 建中校長:不值得鼓勵。取自:http://www.cna.com.tw/news/ahel/201803260302-1.aspx
