  • 學位論文


Prediction of Empowerment and Disempowerment Motivation Climates on Personal and Social Responsibility of High School PE Students: The Mediating Effect of Basic Psychological Needs

指導教授 : 季力康




Personal and social responsibility is an important goal for school physical education in recent years. The purpose of this study was to investigate: 1) the prediction of the empowerment and disempowerment motivation climates on high school PE students’ personal and social responsibility. 2) the mediating effect of basic psychological needs between the empowerment and disempowerment motivation climates and the personal and social responsibility. The participants were 424 students (171 boys and 253 girls) recruited four high schools in Shen Yang City, Liao Ning Province, China. After received the informed consent, participants were required to complete questionnaires include Empowering and Disempowering Motivational Climate Questionnaire (EDMCQ-PE); Students’ Responsibility in Physical Education Scale (SRIPES), Perception Autonomy Scale, Perception Competence Scale, and Perception Relatedness Scale. The results are as follows: 1) the empowerment motivation climate positively predicted students’ personal and social responsibility. 2) the disempowerment motivation climate negatively predicted students’ personal and social responsibility. 3) the basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness have a partial mediating effect between the empowerment motivation climate and the personal and social responsibility. 4) The basic psychological needs of the autonomy and relatedness has a partial mediating effect between the disempowering motivation climate and the personal and social responsibility.


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