  • 學位論文


The possibility of player development model in youth football of Taiwan–From grassroots coach’s view

指導教授 : 程瑞福




足球 人才培育 運動科學


The concept of talent development of youth football players has been widely discussed internationally. In the process of development, the role of sports science is becoming more and more important. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore whether Taiwan can develop talent development model of youth football players and the importance of sports science involed in the development of youth football players. This study conducted a semi-structured interview with eight grassroots coaches who have been experienced. And then compared the results with the model of Japan and Netherlands for the development of youth football talents and the involvement of sports science in the development of youth football talents, with a view to finding out what Taiwan could learn from. Results: On the overall environmental level, the construction of professionalization and football culture is what Taiwan lacks at present. At the institutional level, it is mainly the long-term policy, the reform of the league system and the quality of the training ground. At the level of talent system, we should pay attention to the development of coaches and plan a consistent training system. At the level of sports science, it is the shortage of professionals and funds, the establishment of the football talent database, the system of specific training class is currently encountered in the development of young football talents. Conclusion: Taiwan may develop a model for the development of young football talents, but this needs to be based on a series of long-term planning. At the level of sports science, it is so important that we should invest more resources in the development of youth football in Taiwan.This will gradually help enhance the competitiveness of Taiwan’s football.


Football Talent Development Sports Science


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