  • 學位論文


Assessing Computational Thinking and Programming Skills: Case study of K-9 students

指導教授 : 李忠謀


本研究旨在探討國中小學生的運算思維與程式設計之學習成效,自行發展「運算思維與程式設計」評量工具,以評鑑不同學習背景與學習導向之學生學習成效。「運算思維與程式設計」評量工具使用「運算思維」、「程式設計概念」 與「修訂版布魯姆認知能力」,三個向度建立評分標準。根據不同程式設計學習 導向提出「目標導向程式設計」與「問題導向程式設計」,設計各學習導向評量題目,以評鑑學生的學習成效。將「目標導向程式設計」分為兩個等級:基礎、 進階,而將「問題導向程式設計」分為:基礎、進階、挑戰,三個等級。 本研究針對目標導向程式設計中的基礎、進階以及問題導向程式設計的基礎三個等級進行實驗與探討。根據不同評量等級,採用不同學習背景的學生作為研究對象:初次接觸運算思維與程式設計之國小四年級學生,使用視覺化程 式語言作為基礎程式設計教學工具,培養學生的運算思維。其次為,以傳統文字式高階程式語言 C++ 的課程內容,訓練國中一年級學生程式設計能力。最後,以視覺化程式語言的專題導向教學,培養國中一年級學生的運算思維。 研究結果發現,發現經過 6 週短期運算思維與程式設計教學,有 6 成的國小四年級學生,具有瞭解程式運作方式,且能夠應用簡易程式語法,完成指定目標。然而,經過 18 週傳統高階程式語言教學下,學生未能有效將所學程式概念應用並設計問題解決步驟來完成指定目標,建議初學者課程,使用非文字式程式設計,以培養學生的運算思維為主。最後,專題導向的教學的學生, 題目閱讀與問題分析能力尚需加強,6 成的學生僅能完成一題問題導向題目。 建議加強培養學生題目閱讀與問題分析能力,以提升學生問題解決的能力。 總結上述研究結果,本研究建議國中小之資訊教育教學,需加強培養學生 運算思維、以及提升學生問題分析,與解決問題的能力。


The purpose of this study is to explore the learning outcomes of computational thinking and programming for K-9 students. We developed "computational thinking and programming" assessment tool to assess the learning outcomes of students with different learning backgrounds and learning orientation. The tasks were designed based on the abilities which students should develop in different learning orientation to evaluate the learning outcomes of K-9 students. There were three groups of students involved in this study. The first group included 4th grade students who had learnt visual programming language. The second group included 7th grade students who had learnt traditional textual programming language, C++. The last group included 7th grade students who had learnt visual programming language. We have three findings from the results of three assessments. First, after learning for only six weeks, 60% of 4th-grade students were able to understand how programming works and apply simple programming concepts to achieve the task goal. Second, students couldn’t efficiently apply programming concepts on solving tasks after teaching by traditional textual programming language. Last, the curriculum should enhance the ability of problem decomposition and the ability of using variables to develop students' problem-solving skills. Summarizing the research results, this study suggests that the teaching of information education for K-9 students should enhance the ability of students to think and improve student problem analysis and problem solving.


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