  • 學位論文


Style, Marketing Strategy and Interaction -Instagram Illustration Fan Page

指導教授 : 王仕茹


本研究欲探討在社群媒體平台日益盛行的時代下,不同插畫風格的插畫角色粉絲專頁在推廣策略上有何不同,不同的題材內容又會使粉絲對此產生什麼反應與互動。為此,本研究提出了三個研究問題,試圖解答此疑問: (1) 當今Instagram上的插畫角色粉絲專頁的主流風格分類?  (2) 當今Instagram上的插畫角色粉絲專頁的推廣策略? (3) 當今Instagram上的各類插畫角色粉絲專頁與粉絲的互動情形? 本研究將以質性研究之個案研究作為主要研究方式,並以直接觀察法與次級資料分析法等兩種資料蒐集方式,對研究個案進行整理、歸納、分析與詮釋。為了使所選取之研究個案具代表性,本研究引用了羅以真(2015)對網路圖文創作家名人品牌的界定標準-粉絲人數高於50萬人次並販售過周邊/聯名商品,選擇了Instagram上唯二符合此標準的「Duncan」與「廢物女友」插畫角色粉絲專頁作為本次研究個案。 本研究發現:在整理歸納兩者之插畫風格、題材內容後,根據馬文超(2018)於《數位媒體插畫藝術風格分析》中提出的插畫風格定義,插畫角色「Duncan」屬於「卡通、無俚頭與荒誕」等三種風格的集合;插畫角色「廢物女友」則是屬於「卡通、無俚頭與唯美」等三種風格的集合。在推廣策略上,雖然插畫角色仍是多數推廣策略的主體,但插畫作家也透過出席活動、接受訪談的方式,逐漸成為了新興的「人物品牌」;在插畫角色粉絲專頁與粉絲的互動上,以詼諧有趣的插畫搭配帶點諷刺意味的文字,描寫朋友與情侶之間的互動,最能吸引粉絲按讚與留言支持。


插畫 角色 Instagram 粉絲專頁 風格 推廣策略 互動 粉絲


This study attempts to explore the different styles of illustration fan pages have what differences in promotion strategy and different subject how to affect the interaction between character and fans. Consequently, the research questions are: (1) What kinds of styles are the mainstream illustration fan pages? (2) What promotion strategies do different styles of illustration fan pages have? (3) What interaction between the illustration fan pages and fans do they have? This study applies Qualitative Research and Case Study as main research methods. Besides, this study also adopt Observational Method and Secondary Data to collect data, then sort out ,analyze and explain the result. In order to make sure the cases are typical, this study would choose the illustration fan pages which have over 500 thousand fans and have sold own products before.( Lo, Yi-Jen, 2015) Two cases investigated in this study are (1)Duncan, (2)Lousy Girlfriend. Summarized as follows: After sorting out the data of illustration style and subject about Duncan and Lousy Girlfriend, we classified Duncan under Cartoon, Nonsense and Surreal style of illustration and classified Lousy Girlfriend under Cartoon, Nonsense and Aesthetics style of illustration. About the promotion strategies of Duncan and Lousy Girlfriend, we found that although illustration characters are still the leading role in most promotion strategies, illustration authors also become more famous by participating in off-line activities and accepting the interview. About the interaction between illustration fan pages and fans, the most popular illustration subject is the interaction among friends and lovers. If the illustration post have ridiculous illustration and dialogue, tons of people will press like or leave messages.


illustration character Instagram fan page style promotion strategies interaction fans


BOUNCE 4 位人氣插畫家:直擊他們畫筆下最有梗的創作過程!,POBBEE,7月27日。https://popbee.com/lifestyle/art-and-culture/duncan-aray-oilhead-bounce-illustrator-ipad-pro-procreate-interview-popbee/
Cantor, J. & Valencia, P.(2006)。創意3D 動畫短片製作,台北,碁峰出版社。
DR. MARTENS 也能陪你穿梭於日常!,COOL-STYLE 潮流生活
