  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Protean Career Orientation and Work-Family Enrichment:the Mediating Role of Career Capital

指導教授 : 陳怡靜


近年來,台灣員工因位於低薪環境以及裁員壓力之下,開始根據自我職涯規劃積極追求職涯以及生涯目標,陸續發展多元的職涯,即所謂斜槓(多重角色職涯定向)時代的產生。然而,在員工追求職涯成功之餘,家庭方面也是員工所重視的一環,是否可藉由於職場中累積到的資源(職涯資本),進而使家庭受益(職家增益),為本研究之目的。 本研究參考 Direnzo, Greenhaus, & Weer(2015)的多重角色職涯定 向與職涯資本和 Greenhaus & Powell(2006)的職家增益,綜合以上的 架構,以資源保存理論作為本研究之核心理論。本研究以兩個時點作 問卷的發放,回收之有效問卷為 201 份並以階層迴歸進行分析。研究 結果發現多重角色職涯定向會透過人力資本、社會資本及心理資本, 對情感性途徑職家增益分別產生完全中介效果;對於工具性途徑職家增益,人力資本及社會資本不具有中介效果,而心理資本則為完全中介效果。


Employees start to develop their diversified career (Slash) by themselves because they suffer from pressure of salary freeze and layoff in recent years.However, For employees, apart from career success, family life is necessary. The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between protean career orientation and work-family enrichment. This study found significant positive relationship between the two variables and also used basics of conservation of resource theory. In this study, data was collected from 201 employees in two waves. We also found that (1) there is no relationship between human capital, socail capital and instrumental path work-family enrichment. (2) protean career orientation affects instrumental path work-family enrichment only through psych capital, but the main effect disappears. (3) protean career orientation affects affective path work-family enrichment through human capital, socail capital, psych capital, but the main effect disappears.


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