  • 學位論文

中等體育師資生科技教學內容知識 (TPACK)、設計思維及教師專業發展之研究

Research on TPACK, Design Thinking and Teacher Professional Development of Secondary Physical Education Pre-service Teachers

指導教授 : 掌慶維 梁至中


因應資訊時代的教育浪潮,體育教師在教學時,可藉由 TPACK 整合資訊科技輔助體育教學的知識觀,以面對多元的學習者。由於師資培育階段為師資生建構專業發展之奠基期,且體育師資生亟需具備素養導向及跨領域教學的知能,因而師資生 TPACK 的整合情形將影響教學品質。依此研究透過TPACK、設計思維及教師專業發展問卷工具,探討494位中等體育師資生 TPACK、設計思維及教師專業發展之情形。結果發現:一、TPACK、設計思維及教師專業發展量表能適用於中等體育師資生。二、中等體育師資生在 TPACK、設計思維及教師專業發展的知覺上皆為中等以上。三、TPACK、設計思維與教師專業發展三者呈現高度正相關,且師資生的 TPACK 能透過設計思維預測其教師專業發展,(一) PCK 及 TCK 能透過設計思維預測良好的教師專業發展,且設計思維於其中扮演互補中介效果。(二) TPACK 能透過設計思維預測課程設計與教學、班級經營與輔導、研究發展與進修及敬業精神與態度,且設計思維於其中扮演互補中介效果。(三) TPACK 能透過測設計思維中的測試階段預測教師專業發展,且測試階段於其中扮演完全中介效果。建議未來可針對設計思維進行教學實踐的應用,並在師培課程,增進體育專門科目之科技相關知識。


In response to the development of education in the information age, physical education (PE) teachers can adopt technical pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) in their instructions that integrate information technology to assist PE teaching and also meeting learners’ diverse needs. The PE teacher education (PETE) program plays a crucial role to establish pre-servic PE teachers’ professional development in terms of competency-based education and students’ interdisciplinary curricular experiences. PE teaching quality, however, will be influenced by the pre-servic PE teachers’ TPACK intergration. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate, through three questionnaires, the secondary PE pre-service teachers’ (S-PEPTs) TPACK, design thinking (DT), and teacher professional development (TPD). Results: 1. TPACK, DT and TPD questionnaires could be applied to the S-PEPTs. 2. The S-PEPTs’ perception regarding to TPACK, DT, and TPD were above average. 3. The relationship among TPACK, DT, and TPD were highly significant within a positive correlation, and the S-PEPTs’ TPACK courld be used, through DT, to predict TPD. 3.1 PCK and TCK could predict TPD through DT which played the complementary mediation role between them. 3.2 TPACK could predict the curriculum design and teaching, class management and counseling, and research development and advanced study, as well as the professionalism and attitude through DT as the complementray mediation. 3.3 TPACK could predict TPD through DT, the indirect-only mediation, at the test level. The teaching practices of DT and the consideration of technological knowledge withing the physical education and sport sceicnes department will be needed in the future studies.


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