  • 學位論文


Associations of Active Commuting to School with Achieving Physical Activity Guideline and Health Body Weight among Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study of a Junior High School in New Taipei City as Example

指導教授 : 廖邕


本研究主要目的在調查新北市某國民中學學生動態通學與身體活動建議量及健康體位之關聯性。本研究使用教育部國民及學前教育署所公布「健康促進學校-健康體位」公版問卷,採學生自填式作答,並利用身高體重計測量學生的身體質量指數。研究對象為104學年度新北市某國民中學九年級學生,共發出459份問卷,回收445份問卷,回收率為96.9%,有效問卷424份,有效作答率為95.3%。資料以SPSS for Window 22.0統計軟體進行描述性和推論性統計,並以邏輯斯迴歸為統計方法分析「動態通學」與各變項之關聯性。結果如下: 一、每週使用動態通學、混合通學及靜態通學的青少年,分別佔30.4%、56.1%及13.5%。 二、性別、年齡、父親教育程度及母親教育程度等背景因素與動態通學無關聯性。 三、每週達到國內身體活動建議量的比率為73.8%,每週達到國際身體活動建議量的比率為39.6%,男性比女性更容易達到國內每週210分鐘及國際每週420分鐘的身體活動建議量,但動態通學與身體活動建議量無關聯性。 四、青少年過輕、標準、過重及肥胖的比率分別為5.0%、69.3%、10.6%及15.1%,健康體位與性別及母親教育程度有達到顯著相關,且男性比女性有高的機會體位過重及肥胖,但動態通學與健康體位無關聯性。 對於實務工作,建議學校應採取積極行動以提高學生動態通學之比率,培養女性學生執行身體活動的知識及技能,並加強男性學生健康體位之概念及自我監控之能力,以促進學生身體健康。對於未來研究,建議擴大選取研究對象之範圍,增加研究變項及運用不同的研究方法,以深入探討動態通學對身體活動建議量及健康體位之影響,瞭解不同階段及地區的差異性,並作為未來學校單位推動動態通學之參考。


The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship of active commuting to school with physical activity and health body weight among adolescents. In 2015, a total of 459 junior high school students in New Taipei city were recruited, with 445 completing the survey (response rate of 96.9%). After data cleaning, 424 questionnaires were valid (effective answer rate of 95.3%). The main findings of this research were as follows: 1.The precentages of students to adapt active commuting , mix commuting and passive commuting to school were 30.4%, 56.1%, 13.5% respectively. 2.The background factors like gender, age, education level of parents were not correlated with active commuting to school. 3. The precentages of students achieving Taiwan’s physical activity guideline was 73.8%, and 39.6% met international physical activity guideline. Boys were more likely to achieve Taiwan’s physical activity guideline than girls. The active commuting to school was not correlated with physical activity guideline. 4. The prevalence rate of underweight, overweight and obesity were 5.0%, 10.6% and 15.1% respectively. Body mass index status was associated with gender and parents’ educational level. Boys were more likely to be overweight compared with girls. The active commuting to school was not correlated with health body weight. For schools, it is suggested to promote students to engage in active commuting to school, to enhance the knowledge and skills to participate in physical activity in girls, and to increase the knowledge and self-monitoring skills of healthy body weight in boys. Future studies are needed to target on large study sample, to examine more study variables on this issue by using multiple research methods in different region.


