  • 學位論文


The effect of exposure timing, exploratory mode, and task difficulty on rhythmic motor performance

指導教授 : 楊梓楣


生態心理學強調環境與個體間的相互關係,個體暴露在環境中,透過探索覺知其與環境間之特定關係,進而產生適配的行為,且可能因工作難度導致不同的行為結果。本研究欲探知暴露時機、探索方式、與工作難度如何影響個體的踩踏表現。方法:招募 60 位成人為參與者,隨機分派至前暴行動組、前暴無行動組、後暴行動組、後暴無行動組、及等待控制組。參與者以兩種方式探索環境,分別為:一、觀察遊戲畫面及觸壓按鍵來因應工作。二、僅觀察遊戲畫面。透過 6 台紅外線攝影機收取運動學資料,並檢視參與者執行節奏性動作之時宜準確性、動作變異性、及進步幅度之情形。結果:(1). 在較佳表現時,觸壓按鍵探索相較於觀察探索,會有較準確的踩踏時宜。(2). 參與者暴露於遊戲情境,採取觸壓按鍵與觀察的探索,會有較大的動作變異性。(3). 工作難度由高至低相較於由低至高,得分之進步幅度較大。結論:首先,行動的探索使個體獲取較充沛的訊息,因而在較佳表現時有相對準確的踩踏時宜。再者,當個體暴露於遊戲情境中,同時採取探索活動,可促使其產生適應性的踩踏動作。最後,工作難度由高至低,因熱身減低與心理效應產生較大的進步幅度。


Ecological psychology emphasizes the mutual relations between individuals and their environment. While individuals are exposed to the environment, they can perceive the specific relationship between them and their environment, and produce an adaptive behavior through exploration. Moreover, the task difficulty may bring individuals generating different behaviors. This study aims to examine how the exposure timing, exploratory mode, and task difficulty affected individuals’ step performances. Method: We recruited 60 adults as participants. They were assigned randomly to pre-exposure action group, pre-exposure inaction group, re-exposure action group, re-exposure inaction group, and control group. Participants explored the environment in two modes. First, participants observed the image on the screen and pressed the button to cope with the task. Second, participants only observed the image on the screen. We used six infrared ray cameras to collect kinematic parameters and analyzed the timing accuracy, movement variability, and degree of progress on the rhythmic motor performance. Results: (1) As participants performed the relative good outcome, the button pressing exploration caused them acting better timing accuracy than the observing exploration. (2) When participants were exposed to the game situation, the observing exploration and button pressing exploration resulted in higher movement variability. (3) The task difficulty from high to low caused a greater degree of progress comparing to the task difficulty from low to high. Conclusion: While individuals execute better performance, the acting exploration makes them perceive more information to enhance timing accuracy. Furthermore, individuals yield adaptive step performances as they are exposed to game context and conduct exploratory actives. Finally, because of the warm-up decrement and psychological effect, the task difficulty from high to low brings in greater degrees of progress.


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