  • 學位論文


Design and praxis of the issue-based and action-oriented science instruction

指導教授 : 劉湘瑤


本研究旨在設計議題式與行動導向之科學課程,並評估學生於論證活動與後續行動中,科學知識對論證品質與實際行動之關係與角色。 在民主社會中,為使學生在面對問題時能與他人進行溝通與互動並理解他人觀點,在社會性科學議題的脈絡下,學生將可於課程與生活脈絡中整合不同來源之訊息,在合理之理由與證據支持下做出立場的表述。對於人類所面臨之問題,身為未來公民之學生,除了理解並考量問題之複雜性外,還必須能貢獻問題的解決,以實際行動改善人類社會所面臨的問題,進而建構理性社會與永續環境,以達共好的理念。因此,本研究以美國國家科學委員會、新世代科學標準與我國108課綱中所強調與尚未闡明之論證與行動能力為基礎,選擇作為課程設計之依據。 此課程參與者為臺灣中部地區一所完全中學的66位九年級學生,為發展學生的論證能力,以貼近學生生活的社會性科學議題為脈絡,將太陽能電池製程做為教學介入,並以兩人一組的論證模式,在溝通過程中達成共識與做出決定。除了分析教學前、後學生的論證品質、推理模式與科學知識的變化外,並探討三者間之相關性與論證品質的預測變項。再者,以節能減碳為主題,引導學生提出行動方案,使學生能夠在覺知問題的情況下,為改善人類社會與環境的問題而採取行動,並於三年後經由內容分析之方式呈現學生所採取之行動類型,理解行動背後的理由與科學知識對行動之影響。 研究結果顯示,第一個主題中,學生的論證品質、推理模式與科學知識在教學後均有明顯之改變,三者間之相關性在教學也能獲得不同程度的提升,且經由迴歸分析,可得到科學知識與多元推理模式可顯著預測學生於教學後的論證品質。第二個主題中,學生於三年間所採取行動之類型可分為個人化行動、參與式行動、轉型式行動與為未來而準備之行動,其中個人化行動與參與式行動在數量上較具優勢,而科學知識於行動中則作為學生理解問題的方式與解決問題的憧憬與方法,此外,論證與行動間之關係亦可納入教師教學之考量。 經由上述主題的探討,若欲提升學生的論證品質,則需強化學生科學知識的學習與培養多元推理模式的思維,並將社會性科學議題的論證活動與科學課程做結合,此外,如何將學生所習得之科學知識連結人類社會所面臨之問題,以及如何將日新月異之科學與科技發展應用至問題的解決中,都將是學生在採取行動時所需具備之能力。最後,本研究提出議題式行動導向課程之架構,以作為未來教育政策制定者、研究人員與現場教師之教學藍圖。


The purpose of this study aims to design the issue-based and action-oriented science course, and to evaluate the relation and the character of scientific knowledge with argumentation quality and authentic action respectively. In a democratic society, students should be developed to communicate with others and understand different points of view when confronting the problems. Within the context of the socioscientific issues (SSI), it would benefit students to articulate their standpoints based on reasoned ground by integrating various sources of information. Students, as the future citizens, need to not only consider the complexity of the problem but also contribute to the solution. It means to improve the situation of the human society, and further to construct the living environment with rationality for the common good. Therefore, the course is grounded on the competence development of argumentation and action emphasized and implicitly mentioned by National Research Council, Next Generation Science Standards, and Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education. The study is conducted in two science classes with the participation of 66 ninth graders from the central area of Taiwan. First, the intervention of the solar cell production and dyadic argumentation in the context of SSI is designed to develop students’ argumentation competence. In addition to analyzing the changes of the argumentation quality, reasoning mode, and scientific knowledge, the relationships of between them and the predictors of argumentation quality are investigated. Second, under the goal of energy saving and carbon reduction, students make the action plan during the course. After three years, by adopting content analysis to represent the categorization of action, the reason behind the action, and the influence of the scientific knowledge are elaborated. Findings of the study show that the intervention improves students’ argumentation quality, reasoning mode, and scientific knowledge, and the correlations between them also rise. Through regression analysis, the performance on the scientific knowledge and multiple reaonsing modes significantly predict the argumentation quality. Regarding the actions, students take the personal action, participatory action, transforming action, and preparing for future action with the dominance of the first two categories. The utility of the scientific knowledge is the way of comprehending the problem and the means and vision of problem solving. In addition, the relation between argumentation and action could be considered in the design of the instruction. For advancing students’ argumentation quality, it would be necessary to strengthen the learning of scientific knowledge and to develop thinking from multiple reasoning modes by incorporating argumentation of SSI into science curriculum. In addition, how to link the scientific knowledge to the impending problem and to apply the ever-changing science and technology devemopment to problem solving would be the competence students should hold. Finally, this study proposes a framework for the issue-based and action-oriented course as a blueprint for education policy makers, researchers, and teachers.


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