  • 學位論文


A Study on Constructing the Indicators of the Innovative Management of the Remote Elementary Schools

指導教授 : 郝永崴


本研究旨在探究偏遠地區國小創新經營之關鍵因素,並建構其指標權重體系,以作為提供偏鄉小學在轉型發展時能有再生與創新經營的自我評估工具與檢核的參照準則。本研究依據文獻探究結果與訪談2007至2018年獲得「全國學校經營與教學創新KDP國際認證獎」校務經營與行政革新組之六所標竿或特優之偏遠地區國小校長,了解有關學校創新經營之關鍵因素,再者分析上述六所獲獎學校當時參賽的創新方案內容作為文件分析對象,建構出偏遠地區國小創新經營指標初步架構,其後藉由專家內容效度的檢視修正,經模糊德懷術篩選出合適指標,完成正式偏遠地區國小創新經營指標架構,再以層級分析法進行權重分析,得出權重結果。 歸納訪談資料結果,偏遠地區國小創新經營關鍵因素可分成十二項:一、校長的專業知能與辦學熱忱;二、願景的共識凝聚與討論的文化;三、形塑學校的核心價值與特色;四、行政團隊的積極推動與支援教學;五、課程的發展與教學的實踐;六、教師的協作與專業增能;七、校園環境的營造;八、資源的整合與應用;九、激勵教師提供展能舞臺;十、學生的展能與學習成效;十一、行銷學校特色建立品牌形象;十二、學校社區互惠雙贏的夥伴關係。 其次,偏遠地區國小創新經營指標建構共可分成「層面—向度—指標細目」三個階層,共8個層面、25向度與79個指標細目。以8個層面為例,其中以「校長領導」(24.3%)權重最高,其次依序為「學生多元學習與表現」(16.7%) 、教師專業發展與教學創新(15.2%)、「課程創新與發展」(14.2%)、行政管理(11.1%)、創新校園營造與資源整合(8.2%)、組織文化形塑與社群關係(6.5%)、學校特色行銷與公共關係(3.8%)。最後根據研究結果提出建議,俾利教育行政主管機關、偏遠地區國小實務工作者與未來研究發展之參考。


The aim of this study is to explore the key factors of innovative management of elementary schools in remote areas and to construct indicators and weight values for providing remote primary schools with a self-assessment tool during the transitional development. Based on the results of literature review, this study interviewed six remote elementary school principals, who have won KDP International Certification Award in from 2007 to 2018. Furthermore, the documentary research was used to analyze the contents of the innovation programs of the above six award-winning schools and construct a preliminary framework for innovation management indicators. After the correction of the content validity, appropriate indicators were screened out by FDM and weight values analysis were carried out by AHP. The results of the interview data were summarized. The key factors of the innovation management of elementary schools in remote areas can be divided into 12 items: 1.the professional knowledge and enthusiasm of the school principal; 2.the consensus of the vision and the culture of discussion; 3.the core values and characteristics of the school; 4. promote actively and support teaching by administrative team; 5.curriculum development and teaching practice; 6. teacher collaboration and professional empowerment; 7. construction of campus environment; 8.integration and application of resources; 9. motivation of teachers and provide a stage for performance; 10.students' performance and learning effectiveness; 11. marketing school characteristics to establish a brand image; 12.reciprocal and double win partnership in the school and community. The construction of innovation management indicators for elementary schools in remote areas can be divided into three levels: "level-dimension-indicator detail", with 8 levels, 25 dimensions and 79 indicators detail. Take 8 levels as an example, of which "principal leadership" (24.3%) is the highest weight, followed by "student diversified learning and performance" (16.7%), teacher professional development and teaching innovation (15.2%), "curriculum innovation and development "(14.2%), administrative management (11.1%), innovative campus construction and resource integration (8.2%), organizational culture and community relations (6.5%), school marketing and public relations (3.8%). Finally, some suggestions based on the findings of the study are presented for educational administration authority, primary school elementary school workers in remote areas as well as future research.


