  • 學位論文


The Divorced Mother’s Visitation Right of the Minor Children in the Judicial Process: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology Study

指導教授 : 鄔佩麗


研究目的:本研究以詮釋現象心理學為基礎,探討離婚母親在離婚或離開夫家後,因遭逢探視未成年子女之困難,透過司法系統爭取未成年子女探視權之心理歷程,及探究此經歷對離婚母親主體性的影響。 研究方法:本研究之研究參與者為四位離婚母親,其中一位為試探性研究受訪者,另三位為正式研究受訪者。四位受訪者皆接受二次面對面訪談,訪談時長分別為三小時及一小時。受訪者們歷經之司法歷程包括了:酌(改)定未成年子女會面交往、酌(改)定未成年子女權利義務之行使或負擔以及離婚等。本研究透過辯證對子分析,理解受訪者之視框破裂與新視框的形成歷程,並探討離婚母親的司法經歷、期間的心理歷程及主體生成歷程。 研究結果:一、離婚夫妻間未解決之衝突會引發後續母親探視孩子的困難。母親無法行使或負擔未成年子女權利義務的原因包含:希望讓孩子維持原本熟悉的生活環境、父親能夠提供相對豐富的資源、不堪在婚姻關係中遭受權利剝奪而先行離開夫家、受前夫或前夫家人之虐待或暴力威脅等。二、離婚母親在與司法系統互動中經驗到:法官的公正與溫和有助其在法庭上為自己發聲;對程序監理人的觀感受最終親權歸屬與會面交往是否順利之影響;心理諮商師有助釐清想法及思考如何突破困境;社工的協助可免除遭受前夫暴力威脅的恐懼;合作父母、親權之相關課程增加當事人的親職知能與法律知識。三、非同住母親探視未成年子女困境之突破:母親們會於有限的會面交往機會中,盡力突破空間與時間的限制,以多元的方式積極參與孩子的生活。同時,當孩子受到主要照顧者之離間,母親們會透過:(1)以信任作為與孩子互動的基礎;(2)以行動作為爭取與孩子接觸的證明;(3)以時間來驗證母親的耐心與用心等方式,證明自己是夠好的母親;(4)離婚母親於司法歷程中的主體生成是為:經過司法歷程,夫妻間的破壞性關係逐漸靜止,母子關係轉向建立內在穩定連結,隨著人我邊界的移動與清晰,離婚母親之主體性逐漸開展。 研究結論與建議:歷經前述之司法歷程,母親們在遭逢許多非預期的破裂事件後,自我從以關係為優先轉向主體性發展,自我得以有新的面貌與實踐。然而,法院裁判後,會面交往之實行仍有許多困難之處,並對離婚母親及未成年子女之心理與生活產生影響,是故如何能夠完整發揮法院裁判之作用,以維護離婚母親與家庭離異未成年子女之權益,有待後續研究持續關注。本研究最後提出相關建議,其層面包含:(1)對專業助人工作者及司法系統之實務建議;(2)對離婚母親如何自行開展主體性之建議;(3)對未來研究之建議,以供相關專業人員與關心此議題者參考。 關鍵字:探視權、親權、離婚、詮釋現象心理學、主體生成


Based on the interpretation of phenomenological psychology, this study explored the psychological process of divorced mothers who encountered difficulties in visiting their minor children and sought access rights to their children through the judicial system after a divorce or after leaving their husband’s family, as well as exploring the impact of the divorced mothers’ subjectivity becoming. The research participants include four divorced mothers, of whom one was an exploratory research participant and the other three were formal research participants. All the four participants underwent two face-to-face interviews lasting three hours and one hour respectively. The judicial procedures experienced by respondents included: child custody, visitation, and divorce. In this study, through dialectical pair analysis, an insight was gained into the course of the participants’ course of frame rupture and new frame formation. At the same time, researcher explored the judicial experience of divorced mothers, and the psychological process and subjectivity becoming in the process. The results of this study are based on the following four sections: (1) the formation of marriage breakdown and difficulties in visiting; (2) the interactive experience of the divorced mother and judicial system; (3) the breakthrough of the plight of the non-resident mothers visiting their minor children; and (4) the generation of the divorced mothers’ subjectivity throughout the juridical process. Despite the many unexpected rupture events encountered by the mothers throughout the judicial process, they managed to break free from the relationship-based shackles, leading to the development of subjectivity and self-development and implementation. However, after a court judgement, there are still difficulties in implementing the visit and socializing with the minors, and the psychological and daily related impacts on the divorced mothers and their minor children remain. How to bring court judgment into full play in order to protect the right of divorced mothers and the minor children from broken families are issues requiring constant attention. Finally, the recommendations based on the research results include: (1) practical advice to professional helpers and the justice system; (2) advice on how divorced mothers can self-improvement their subjectivity; and (3) providing recommendations for follow-up studies, which shall serve as a reference for relevant professionals and those concerned with this issue.


