  • 期刊


Children Custody after Divorce and Visitation Right




Due to divorce or separation of parents, the legal rights and obligations of under-aged children will usually be changed. That is to say, custody needs to be reviewed and determined due to the divorce of parents, because one of the parents can no longer live with under-aged children. In particular, it is difficult for the party who is not granted custody to be connected with the children. In order to enable the children to continue receiving the care of both parents, and not to affect physical and mental development of the children, "visitation right" is an important approach. In 1996, Taiwan regulated visitation right in Article 1055 of the Civil Law. As the interpretation of parent-child relations around the world has officially moved towards the principle of "the best interests of children", whether the court decides the custody of under-aged children, or when planning visitation right, it should emphasize the importance of children interests, especially litigation incidents often involve disputes between parents with high conflicts. Children can easily become objects between the two parties. When faced with such a predicament, one should break away from the single opinion of parents, we shall adopt the perspective of children's best interests. After Taiwan passed the Family Incident Law in 2012, the trial of family incidents further emphasized the protection of children's interests. Children should have the subjectivity in the litigation. The design of the procedure supervisor is even more important. It proves this purpose and helps to discover the true voice of children. This article takes the best interests of children as the main axis. First, it introduces Taiwan's relevant regulations on the custody after divorce, and integrates the theory and the practical judgments. Then, it discusses the analysis of under-aged children after the implementation of the Family Incident Law. Next, it introduces visitation right, and discuss whether it can be restricted or prohibited, and discuss the obstacles of visitation right. The main purpose of this article lies in how to use litigation or non-litigation procedures to better deal with under-aged children between theory and practice.


內政部統計處,〈https://www.moi.gov.tw/chi/chi_site/stat/news_detail.aspx? sn=16298〉,最後瀏覽日:2020 年 12 月 5日。
郭欽銘,《親屬案例式》,五南出版社,2020 年 9 月,13 版,頁 196
林菊枝原著、吳煜宗重訂,《臺灣親屬法論》,新學林出版社,2017 年 9 月,頁 268。
兒童及少年福利與權益保障法第 71 條第 1 項
