  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 田秀蘭


本研究旨在了解50歲以上女性「知天命」的心路歷程,並探討曾經影響參與者發掘自身天命的重大事件與共同問題,以及其「知天命」後續有的生涯規畫及心態轉變。研究者以立意取樣的方式,選取三位自覺已「知天命」的女性為參與者,進行生命故事敘說,並以「整體─內容」、「類別─內容」模式進行分析。 研究結果發現,參與者「知天命」的心路歷程大致可分為三個階段,依序為:(1)摸索生涯以實現理想生活;(2)進入婚姻後壓縮自我;(3)接連發生關鍵事件而漸進改變。影響參與者發掘天命的關鍵事件包括:(1)危機出現,促使其深入思考;(2)跨出家庭,擁有自己的生活圈;(3)回顧過去,認識並回應自我;(4)偶發事件的影響。參與者在婚姻與家庭面臨的共同問題包括:(1)另一半的理解與支持;(2)母親角色的責任;(3)婚姻對女性的束縛。參與者知天命後的心境回應與改變包括:(1)冥冥中自有安排之感;(2)自在圓滿的心理狀態;(3)坦然面對生活及自己的不完美;(4)對未來的人生有明確的目標;(5)利社會的具體行動。 最後,根據研究結果,本研究建議女性應以具體行動突破不滿意的現狀,並擁有家庭與工作之外的生活圈,以及回顧過往人生、找出自己少時憧憬或擅長的事物,方能有機會發掘天命、活出自我。此外,根據研究過程和結果提出本研究的限制與建議。


天命 生活規劃 生涯發展


The process of vocation knowing and life development for women who are over fifty years old Abstract The purposes of this research were:(1) exploring the psychological course of women over fifty years old and knowing their vocation; (2) discussing the major events affecting the participants to explore their vocation and their common problems, and (3) their life developments and changes of mentality after knowing vocation. The researcher used purposive sampling to choose three women over fifty years old and thinking they had known their vocations. The narrative interview data were analyzed by “holistic-content” as well as “categorical-content” approach. The result showed that there are three similar steps of the psychological course of those participants knowing their vocations: (1) they explored career goals to make an ideal life come true; (2) they were self-oppressed during their marriage, and (3) they were changed gradually after key events happened. The key events affecting participants to explore their vocations were: (1) the emergence of crisis prompting them to think deeply; (2) Having their own social network beyond their family; (3) reviewing the past and realizing their selves, and (4) the influences of infrequent events. The common experiences of the participants in marriages including: (1) The understandings and supports from their husband, (2) the responsibility for children’s upbringing, and (3) The fetters for women from their marriage. The changes of the participants’ thoughts after knowing their vocation including: (1) Responding to the calling from a Higher Power and accepting its arrangement; (2) satisfaction and fulfillment in their mind; (3) accepting the life and imperfection of themselves; (4) getting a clearer goal of life, and (5) contributing the society. According to the results of this study, women should take a concrete action to break up the unsatisfied circumstances, and have other social networks beyond family and work. In addition, they should review their lives to find out their wishes in youth and specialties. These were the possible ways for them to know the vocations of themselves. In the end, according to the research process and finding, the limits of this study and suggestions were also proposed.


vocation life design career development


