  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 鄭勝分


中文摘要 本研究旨在探討小作所興起背景與影響經營因素,針對臺北市7個機構、機構人員15 位、家屬4位、學員4位進行立意取樣。主要透過深度訪談及半結構訪談方式蒐集資料,輔以相關文獻資料,找出小作所影響經營的因素,主要從(一)小作所經營理念;(二)小作所產生的利益;(三)小作所現行制度三個視角加以分析。 根據研究發現,本研究獲致以下結論: 一、理念定位不清,各利害關係人對小作所使命認知歧異,小作所是中繼站的概念,各利害關係人以自己的價值偏好來定位小作所的使命,造成理念定位不清。 二、小作所運作有共同的規範及彈性規則,為因應各障別的特殊性,在符合規定的範圍內,小作所會調整評估方式與收案標準。 三、小作所對學員、家庭提供了多項功能,對學員提供生活與能力的重新建構,使他們改變以往的生活模式,對家屬則提供喘息機會。 四、小作所的資源落在特教應屆畢業生,排擠了中高齡的資源使用,因招生管道集中在特教學校,相對社區原有的心智障礙者的資源被剝奪。 五、作業資源的窄化造成服務困境,小作所以代工為主要的工作項目,代工要有配套措施因應,須要引入其他資源才能化解困境。 六、小作所的經營困境,需要財力、物力、人力資源的引入,體質健全的母機構是小作所持續經營的保障。 七、小作所服務對象為多重障別及障礙程度多重,在服務成效上難以單一指標論定,精障者減少住院頻率,自閉症者生活中的小改變等,都無法以一個指標來論定成效。 八、公部門沒有明確評鑑指標及輔導機制造成小作所亂象,沒有明確指標,小作所更有調性去因應各障別的特殊需要。


The aim of this study is to investigate the background of small employment service facility (SESF) and factors that affect its operation. The author targets seven facilities, including fifteen staffs, four family member and four trainees as the samples of this study. The author gather informations by thorough interviews from the personnels and related references to find out the factors influence the operation of SESF. The analysis based on three main parts: first, the operation concept; second, benefits produced from SESFs; third, the current system within the facility. Based on the research findings, here are the conclusions: I. Vague definition of operating concepts- SESF should act as a relay station, the fact that each participants define the mission carried out by the facility based their own value preference causes the chaos. II. The operation among SESFs has common regulations and flexible rules. For deferent disabilities, the facility will adjust method of valuation and standards of consumers within the regulations. III. The facility provides multiple services for trainees and their family. By offering them ability to reconstruct their surviving skills, therefore to change their life pattern also provides chances for the family to take a rest. IV. The main resource from SESF focus on graduates of students with special educational needs, therefore it crowds out the access of resource of middle to older age users. Due to the fact that enrollment mainly focus on special education schools, it deprives the resource from the disables of the community. V. Predicament resulted from narrowing working resources- original equipment manufacture (OEM) is the main working form of SESF, however, OEM has to be coordinated with supporting measures in order to resolve the difficulty. VI. Introduce financial, product and human resource into the operation of SESF. A healthy and robust system can be a safeguard of consisting operation of small employment service facility. VII. It is difficult to analyze achievement by single index because of the targeting pools includes multiple impairments and varies degree of impairments. Such as decreasing hospitalization frequency or little change of autism patients. VIII. Public department has failed to establish explicit evaluating and tutoring system, which induces confusion among different small employment service facilities. Without clarifying instruction, the facility has no idea how to adjust its service to correspond special needs for different impairments.


一、 中文部份
