  • 學位論文


A Study on Taipei City Junior High School Athletic Class Students’ Learning Motivation and Learning Satisfaction Level for Special Athletic Courses

指導教授 : 程紹同


本研究主要目的在探討分析不同背景之臺北市立國中體育班學生,對於就讀動機與專項術科課程學習滿意度之情形。樣本的選取係以臺北市立國中體育班學生為研究對象,進行相關研究文獻之收集與探討。研究方法採用叢集抽樣進行問卷調查,共發出540份問卷,回收有效問卷512份,有效問卷回收率達4.8%。根據實際調查所得資料,以描述性統計(次數分配百分比、平均數、標準差)、單因子變異數分析與皮爾森積差相關分析,所得結論如下: 一、就讀動機與學習滿意度之間有相關存在,且呈現正相關,亦顯示學生就讀動機越強烈,學習滿意度就越高。 二、不同年級、性別、專長項目、每週專長時間、專長年資的臺北市立國中體育班學生在就讀動機有顯著差異。 三、不同年級、專長項目、運動專長年資及升學意向在專業課程學習滿意度也有顯著差異。在就讀動機與專項術科課程學習滿意度兩者之間均有顯著的相關,並且就讀動機可以預測專項術科學習滿意度。 四、國中體育班學生男生人數比例超過女生許多,且學生因興趣而就讀體育班的比例高,可再多多鼓勵女性參與體育訓練,提升女性從事運動訓練的興趣,以增加女性運動員的人數。


Targeting athletic class students of the Taipei City junior high schools with different backgrounds, the study was to compare students’ learning motivation and learning satisfaction level for special athletic courses. The study samples were collected from athletic class students of the Taipei City junior high schools and relevant researches and literature were disussed. Cluster sampling was applied to process a questionnaire investigation, while 540 questionnaires were distributed and 512 were valid that shows a high rate of return at 94.8%. The collected data were processed with descriptive statistics (percentage of frequency distribution, average and standard deviation), one-way analysis of variance and Pearson product-moment correlation to have below conclusions: 1. A positive correlation between the learning motivation and learning satisfaction level is confirmed, showing a strong learning motivation can create a high satisfaction level of learning. 2.The learning motivation of athletic class students of the Taipei City junior high schools varies according to students’ grade, sex, type of special athletic skills, devoted hours for specialty every week and years of learning special athletic skills. 3.Students’ satisfaction level towards courses for special athletic skills also varies according to their grade, type of special athletic skills, years of learning special athletic skills and intention of entering the next grade school. There is significant relevance between their learning motivation and learning satisfaction level. Besides, learning motivation can predict the satisfaction level of learning special athletic skills. 4.The number of males in athletic classes of junior high school is much more than females.Besides, as the proportion for students to study athletic class is high due to personal interest, it is suggested to encourage females to participate in sports training in order to raise their interests towards sports and to increase the numbers of female athletes.


