  • 學位論文


Root and Rhizome—Case Study on Learning Patterns of College Student Based on the Process of Transformation of Knowledge from Modernity to Postmodernity

指導教授 : 卯靜儒


本研究試圖藉由Gibbons, Limoges與Nowotny(1994)提出的後現代的知識轉型以及Lyotard的後現代知識狀況整理出後現代知識轉型的概況,透過班級的觀察以及訪談,運用質性研究的方法從Deleuze與Guattari(1987)的根與地下莖概念試著闡述在後現代知識轉型的狀況下,大學生根與地下莖的學習型態,此非二元分類法,而是藉由根與地下莖的隱喻分別描述所觀察到的學生學習習慣與樣態。   經過資料分析後發現:一、大學生的知識是共享、共構與共存的;二、課堂學習中交織著根與地下莖的學習樣態;三、課堂學習知識的異化與疏離。最後,本研究就以上發現分別對於高等教育課程與制度以及老師提出建議與反思。


The research provides an overview of the transformation of knowledge in postmodern based on Gibbons, Limoges & Nowotny (1994) asserted the idea of the new production of knowledge and the postmodern condition of knowledge raised by Lyotard (1979). Researcher collected the data base by observing the a class in university and interviewing the students. With the way of quantitative method, researcher analyzed and explained college students’ learning patterns under the context of the transformation of knowledge in postmodern based on root and rhizome raised by , Deleuze and Guattari (1987). The types of students’ learning patterns are not an dualistic classification, instead, researcher tried to gather the features of students’ learning habits and patterns and to descibe the different image of students’ learning based on root and rhizome. Last but not least, to reflect the influence and loss on students of current education system.   To reach the conclusion, there are following four research findings: 1. In university students’ opinion, knowledge is distributed and collective. 2. Learning patterns of root and rhizome coexist and interact in the class. 3. There is alienation of knowledge in learning field of university.   According to the research findings, some advice and reflection are provided as reference for the policy of higher education system, teachers and curriculum.


劉修豪(2010)。教育、科技與權力:Michael W. Apple的科技論述分析。教育與社會研究,21,39-81。
