  • 學位論文


Dance with Lions: Ta-Long-Tong Golden Lion Group's history and innovation

指導教授 : 陳仲彥


臺灣社會在近數十年來快速變遷,過往傳統民俗技藝與文化正急速消失,其中傳統廟會中出現的舞獅也面臨傳承危機。臺灣民眾對於廟會與迎神賽會不如以往樂於參與其中,許多獅陣為因應現在社會的轉變進一步改進傳承方式,臺北市大同區的大龍峒金獅團即為其中一例。大龍峒金獅團為現存北部獅陣中成團最久的老獅陣,其將武術融合於舞獅內與宗教、地方結合,歷經時代變遷不斷轉化,從清領時期保衛地方鄉里的角色逐漸退位,演變至今,大龍峒金獅團除與宗教緊密結合外,也逐漸改變以往獅陣僅限於廟會的演出性質,繼而扮演述說當地過往人文故事與傳承傳統技藝的角色。 現今大龍峒金獅團為保住舞獅此項技藝,更努力更加積極地去經營獅團,結合大龍峒地方鄉里,同時向外擴大招生,與文化大學國術學系合作使其進一步進到大專院校體系傳承技藝,到申請臺北市文化局的立案成為臺北市登錄的傳統藝術文化資產,同時於地方舉辦展覽與講座,其目的無非是為使此項傳統技藝不致流失,並喚回鄉里對於金獅團的記憶。 本文首先透過研討大龍峒金獅團的歷史發展,其次探討面臨社會變遷做所做的調整與創新。最後,綜合大龍峒金獅團轉型模式與表演藝術團體、傳統藝術及陣頭等創新經營之方式,提出地方獅陣轉型可能模式以供參考。


Taiwanese society has been changed furiously these decades, both traditional arts and cultural heritages faded away rapidly. Lion-dance is one of these endangered traditional arts that faced cultural heritage preservation problem. These years, most Taiwanese are no longer interest in temple fair, which caused lion-dance groups change their way for survival. One of it is called The Golden Lion Group Ta-Long-Tong, which is the oldest Lion –dance group in Taipei, their dance combines martial art that protected people 250 years ago and local religion with traditional culture. Except for basic temple fair performance that link to religion, they also play a role as a story teller and traditional arts inheritor. Nowadays, in order to protect the art of “lion-dance”, the golden lion group works even harder than before, such as held exhibitions and workshop with local Ta-Long-Tong area citizens, and expand their cooperation with the department of Martial Arts in Culture University as a nonprofit organization. This helps widen the way of teaching traditional lion-dance art to those students and people who may not interest in it. At the same time, it also helps them to win Taipei Master of Traditional Arts Awards. All these efforts are in order to recall the public memories of the Golden Lion Group and the protection of lion-dance art from disappearance. This article mentions the history and development of the Golden Lion Group Ta-Long-Tong. First part is the introduction of Golden Lion Group Ta-Long-Tong’s history. Second part is the adjustment made by them under the fast-changing society. Last part summarizes groundbreaking steps that Golden Lion Group Ta-Long-Tong,performing arts groups, traditional arts and Din Tao‘s take, to provide a new way of reform for local lion-dance groups as reference.


