  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 徐東伯


在第二和外國語言學習當中,一個很重要的議題是學習者的母語會不會影響他們的外語學習,如果會又如何影響他們外語學習。競爭模型 (Competition Model) 對於第二語言處理的主張是母語的處理策略存在第二語言的學習過程中,但隨著學習者的程度提高,漸漸改用目標語母語者的解讀策略。另一派認為普遍語法 (Universal Grammar) 不但體現在第一語言習得,也存在在第二語言學習,所以在二語學習也受到普遍語法的影響,淺層結構假說 (Shallow Structure Hypothesis) 認為母語的深層處理句法能力無法轉移到第二語言上。 本研究調查中文、西班牙文母語者在其母語對簡單及物句的語言處理,實驗句子中只有語序、有生性線索,並設計名詞指稱偏好以瞭解合理性是否影響處理。除了兩個語言的母語者,也調查學習者處理中文、西班牙文的情形,實驗結果發現中文母語者處理中文時,語序結構是最重要的線索。西班牙文母語者處理沒有型態線索的西班牙文句子,也是依賴語序結構。 西班牙文母語者處理中文時,其表現受到程度的影響,初級受試者依照NVN結構策略、普世模型解讀句子,而中高級受試者也是依照NVN結構解讀,但在非標準式中顯著降低對普世模型的依賴,逐漸使用中文OSV解讀非標準式。中文母語者處理西班牙文時,其表現較不受到程度的影響,因NVN結構策略、普世模型而選擇施事者。本研究中兩個語言的初級、中高級學習者在目標語都沒有辦法有深層處理的表現,符合淺層結構假說的預測,而較難與競爭模型的主張一致。


One of the most important questions for foreign language learning is whether the native language of learners affects learning of other languages. Advocates of “competition model” say that the processing strategy used in native language has an impact on learning foreign languages. Scholars who do not agree with competition model argue that second language learning is affected by “universal grammar” which is the same for both native and second language learning. This study investigates how Chinese and Spanish native speakers process their own native languages with simple transitive sentences. It examines whether plausibility has any impact on processing. It also looks at how learners process Chinese and Spanish. The experiments conducted to support this study showed that word order is the most important cue when processing Chinese and that word order is the most important clue when processing Spanish without morphological cue. When Spanish speakers comprehend Chinese, their performance is influenced by their second language levels of proficiency. The processing strategies of beginners are NVN Strategy which is argued to be a universal pattern and universal pattern. While processing canonical sentences, higher- intermediate learners use NVN strategy. For non-canonical sentences, their reliance on universal pattern decreases significantly. When Chinese speakers process Spanish, their performance does not show significant difference between the two proficiency levels. They choose agent based on NVN structure and universal pattern. The performance of beginners and higher- intermediate learners in two languages in this study did not follow predications derived from competition model.


comprehension Chinese word order animacy Spanish


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