  • 學位論文


Instructional Design for Intermediate Chinese Oral Course with Short Films : An Example on Spanish-Speaking Learners.

指導教授 : 信世昌


本研究旨在針對非目的語境學習的西班牙語母語者,設計以網路短片學習真實語料的口語教學。據了解西語地區學習者對自然口語的學習有高度興趣,他們體認到課內所學與母語者使用的話語存在落差,然而當地將華語影片應用於教學仍有待發展,為使課內與課外的語言實踐接軌,期盼課後加強型的短片口語教學之構想有助於當地教學,提升學習者自然口語的表達能力。   本文採取發展研究法和調查研究法,從探查西語地區華語教學的概況出發,融合華語影視媒體教學與中級口語教學的探討,同時以溝通式教學法作為理論基礎,初步取得短片口語教學之設定參考,再藉由影視華語教材分析,以及問卷調查與教師訪談,從「教」與「學」不同的視角解析西語地區的教學現況、學習需求與短片教學的具體執行方式,在問卷調查和訪談中,師生指出了選材方面需考量的問題,綜合文獻探討我們歸納出選片原則進行短片篩選,最後環扣各項分析結論,以選出之短片設計教學範例。   根據研究結果,初步建議短片使用兩岸多地的微電影,以可理解的語言輸入、趣味性、具討論性之題材為選片的首要考量,歸納出短片中語言功能、結構、文化重點,透過語境與語言形式之關聯的引導、思考、討論與歸納,了解母語者之心理意圖如何影響話語表達形式,並基於學習者自身經驗建構知識,以提升真實話語的敏銳性;再藉由小組合作進行控制性、半控制性到自由性的溝通式活動,如情境模擬、配音作業、話題討論等,激發表達、累積開口信心,同時由於對語境因素的深入認知,增進目的語文化視野之拓展。


This study aims at planning an instructional design for orally teaching authentic materials using online short films to Spanish-speaking learners in a non-target language environment. To the best of our knowledge, learners of Spanish-speaking areas are interested in learning real natural language; they perceive the gap between the language they learn in class and the language spoken by native speakers. However, teaching practices using local Chinese-language films require further development. To bridge the gap between curricular and extracurricular language activities, we expect that developing an extracurricular, reinforced short-film oral teaching course would improve local teaching practices and enhance the ability of learners to speak natural languages.   This paper presents a developmental study and survey research, investigating the current status of Chinese language teaching in Spanish-speaking areas. We integrated Chinese-language audiovisual media teaching with intermediate oral teaching practices, while using Communicative Language Teaching as the theoretical foundation. Subsequently, referential settings for short-film oral teaching were preliminarily obtained. Through an analysis of audiovisual teaching materials, questionnaire surveys, and interviews with teachers, we adopted the perspective of both the teacher and the learner to elucidate the current status of teaching practices, learning requirements, and how short-film teaching is implemented in Spanish-speaking areas. In the questionnaire survey and interview, the teachers and students indicated problems concerning material selection. Based on the aforementioned discussion, we summarized the principle of film selections, from which short films were screened and selected. Finally, short films were selected on the basis of various analytical findings to design a teaching demonstration process.   According to the research results, it is preliminarily suggested that micro films from different places in the Greater China Region be used with the comprehensible input, level of interest and types of controversial topics as the criteria of selection in order to determine the linguistic functions, structure and cultural focus. Through the guidance of the relationship between context and language forms, thinking, discussion and summarization, the way that the psychological intention of a native speaker affects the form of verbal expression can be understood. In addition, through practice and development of knowledge driven by learning experiences, learners’ sensitivity to the real language can also be enhanced. With the help of communicative activities, such as controlled techniques, semi-controlled techniques and free techniques, that can be achieved through group work, such as simulations, film dubbing activities, discussions and other activities that encourage individuals to express themselves and to speak with confidence, in combination with in-depth knowledge concerning context, the cultural horizons of the target language can be greatly expanded.


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