  • 學位論文


Using Big Data to Analyze the Gender Differences in the Image Construction and the Media Labeling Effect in Occupational Reports in Journalism Infotainment

指導教授 : 蔣旭政


近年來新聞娛樂化現象加劇,驅使新聞在提及職業時,常著重於報導對象的外貌與身材,而此娛樂化建構對於男性與女性的建構明顯不同,基於此觀察,本研究欲以新聞娛樂化角度,了解職業報導中男性與女性職業形象被娛樂化的差異和閱聽眾受到媒體標籤化現象的影響,以探究職業報導中兩性形象建構差異與媒體標籤效應。 本研究採用大數據分析法,利用python抓取《ETtoday新聞雲》、《TVBS新聞網》、《三立新聞網》的職業報導和FB粉專的新聞留言,分析兩性職業形象的娛樂化建構,並用BERT分類閱聽眾留言與娛樂化報導以探究閱聽眾觀點和職業報導的娛樂化現象。研究結果發現,8個職業以警察的兩性形象建構差異最大、歷年建構差異最大的媒體平台為《ETtoday新聞雲》。而三平台中每個職業都以女性被娛樂化的新聞篇數最多,皆存在偏於女性建構的不平等現象,並且探究職業報導的娛樂化程度,在5000多則的職業報導中,有娛樂化的職業報導佔比約4%,顯示職業報導仍有一定娛樂化程度的社會現象。最後了解閱聽眾觀點,對於娛樂化建構職業形象的報導,有93%的閱聽眾無感知到新聞有娛樂化報導對象,表示閱聽眾對媒體貼標籤的情況感到自然、正常。整體而言,職業報導的娛樂化說明媒體在娛樂化環境下所衍生的標籤化現象對閱聽眾產生影響,以及偏於女性的性別歧視現象,再現了社會中的父權意識。


In recent years, the phenomenon of journalism infotainment has intensified, driving news to focus on the appearance and body of the target when referring to occupations, and this entertaining construction is obviously different for men and women. Based on the observations, this research intends to understand the differences in the professional images construction of male and female in occupational reports and the influence of media labeling to audience. This research uses python to crawl the titles of occupational reports of ETtoday, TVBS, Sanlih and news’ comments of their facebook, using BERT to categorize audience comments in facebook and categorize infotainment reports. Found that police have the largest difference in the construction of the image and ETtoday is the media which has the largest difference in construction of the image. Among the more than 5,000 occupational reports, the infotainment occupational reports account for about 4% of the total, showing that occupational reports still have a certain degree of entertainment in the journalism infotainment. And 93% of the audience did not perceive that news entertain the professional image of the target, indicating that the audience feels natural and normal to the media labeling. On the whole, the infotainment of occupational reports show that the media labeling phenomenon has an impact on the audience in infotainment environment, and the gender discrimination which is biased towards women also reproduces the patriarchal consciousness in the society.


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