  • 學位論文


The Design of Advanced Vehicle Electronic Control Courses for Improving the Gap Between Vehicle Engineering Courses Taught in Universities and Application in the Work Field

指導教授 : 呂有豐


本研究旨在對大專校院車輛工程學類學生在校所學習之現況、學生未來的就業趨勢分析以及學用落差問題等因素進行探討,研究設計先進車輛電子控制系統(電控)技術內容成果提供給相關學術單位,做為日後研究或大專校院課程規劃之參考。本研究目的是研究及撰寫適合大專校院車輛工程系或車輛組學生學習之內容,並能與動力機械群技術型高級中學汽車科縱向連貫之課程,建構學習者扎實的先進電控相關知識與技能,以及提供教學者做為教材,其目的在縮短職場銜接初期的學用落差問題,藉以提升車輛工程畢業學生在就業市場的競爭力,如此亦可彰顯技職教育的成功與貢獻,符合社會之期待。 本研究成果有先進車輛電控技術內容以及《先進車輛電控概論》書籍發行。所研究之技術內容包括:電子控制系統、電源特性與設計、匯流排通訊、控制器的輸入介面、控制器的輸出介面及訊號量測實務。並於課堂上對大專校院車輛工程學類學生以及汽車維修現場工程人員實施技術內容,課後並以問卷方式,取得受測者對於技術內容的學習回饋。再藉由問卷題項給予有購買書籍的學校進行調查,探討學校或教師對於該書籍是否符合教學課程的看法與相關意見。透過上述相關問卷進行成果分析與探討,整理本研究設計可再改進的項目。 最後歸納出學生先備知識能力、電控背景師資不足、教學設備及理論與實務並重以提升學習成效等結論,並依據研究結果提出先備知識、電控師資、擴大產學合作及後續發展之建議,以供進一步對改善大專校院車輛工程專業學用落差之參考。


This study analyzes the current status and electronic control technical materials for Automotive Engineering Departments and provides up-to-date electronic control technical materials for Automotive Engineering Departments. get feedback on these learning materials from the students: student questionnaire analysis and technical materials. The student questionnaire analysis focuses mainly on the students, future job market trends, possible gap between learning and applying, and competitiveness. The technical material part provides the most updated and advanced electronic control technology which can greatly benefit the quality of the educational programs and teaching for the Automotive Engineering departments in the future. The main objective of this work is to provide material and advice to better bridge the gap between the education and employment for the Automotive Engineering students. It is anticipated that the technical material will significantly help the students utilize what they have learned / their knowledge in their future career. Specifically, this study provides the detailed advanced vehicle electronic control technical materials in the areas of electronic control system, power characteristics and design, bus communication, controller input / output and signal measurement. I also use questionnaire to get feedback on these learning materials from the students and automotive mechanics after class and further analysis and discussion. In conclusion, students’ background knowledge, lack of teachers with electronic control background, instruction equipment, and equivalent emphasis on both theory and practice are proposed to improve learning effectiveness. The study suggests enhancing students’ background knowledge, increasing faculties with electronic control background and strengthening the collaboration between universities and industries to further improve the curriculum of the automotive engineering field.


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