  • 學位論文


A Study on the Protection of the Right of the Child to Be Heard in Terms of Student Affairs in Secondary Schools

指導教授 : 林佳範


本研究旨在探討國中學生事務人員如何於校園中保障兒少表意權,順應兒童權利公約國內法化及近年來人權意識抬頭,間接帶動校園內之學生權利逐漸受到重視,故本研究將從學生事務角度出發,先由法規層面掌握現行制度之準則,再以五位國中學生事務人員為訪談對象,藉由深度訪談法以更全面了解學生事務工作之現況。期望透過本研究能掌握國中學生事務人員對表意權的認知與態度,進而探究表意權在校園內如何被保障,最後,將現行狀況與執行之困境統整並提出具體的研究建議。   根據本研究之結果與發現,茲分述如下: 一、 國中學務人員對表意權之認知與態度,對於實務現場如何保障兒少表意權有所影響,透過研習使學務人員能對表意權有了解,也才能提高表意權在校園中被保障的機會。 二、 推動表意權最大的困境是-受到校園內教師的質疑、認為其管教權被剝奪,故在表意權之推動與落實上仍需要打破傳統的觀念,在師長們有共同的認知後,方能持續地推進兒少之權益。 三、 各校目前就全校性事務上均有設置學生代表,使其能夠在會議上發言、傳遞學生之意見與想法,而師長也會針對其意見給予回饋,雙方溝通是存在互動性的。 四、 研究對象指出研習是最直接讓學務人員能接觸表意權的管道,因此,建議研習內容應增加實務做法的部分,使學務人員回到工作崗位後能更直接容易上手,使保障兒少表意權之部分能更被落實。


The purpose of this study is to examine how staffs of the student affairs in national secondary schools protect the right of the child to be heard on campus, in response to the domestic legalization of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the rise of human rights awareness in recent years. Therefore, this study starts with grasping the criteria of the current system from the legal and regulatory level and interviewing the students' affairs personnel in public secondary schools to get a more comprehensive understanding of the current situation on campus. Through this study, we hope to understand the perceptions and attitudes of staffs of student affairs in secondary schools towards the rights to be heard. The key findings are outlined below: 1. The awareness and attitudes of academic staffs in secondary schools about the rights to be heard have an impact on their practical work. Academic staffs can understand the rights to be heard and can improve the chance of protecting the rights to be heard in schools. 2. The greatest dilemma in promoting the right of the child to be heard is that teachers in schools have doubts over the rights to be heard and believe that they are deprived of their power to discipline students; as a result, in the promotion and implementation of the rights to be heard, it is still necessary to break the traditional concept, and only after the teachers have a common understanding, the rights of children will be promoted in a sustainable manner. 3. The schools currently allow student representatives to speak at meetings and convey their opinions on school-wide issues, and teachers will give feedback based on their opinions; thus, the interaction and communication between the two sides will become beneficial. 4. Therefore, the training for staffs of student affairs should include more practical examples, so that they can get started directly once they return to their workplace. Ultimately, protecting children's rights to be heard can be implemented effectively.


Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioural change. Psychological Review, 84, 191-215.
人本教育基金會(2016)。2016 國中小校園問卷調查報告。取自:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OrwWUJMf7p_ianzMuBYZOzy7ZGC2HYQW
