  • 學位論文


The Currency Change of the Choson Korea and International Relations within East Asia (17-18th Century)

指導教授 : 林滿紅


本研究旨在分析17-18世紀朝鮮貨幣體系,從「以貨易貨」轉變為「以錢易貨」的歷程。 朝鮮建國之際,百姓在日常經濟生活當中多用米布,由於如此實物貨幣的生產、流通均取決於民間,政府無法控制。而問題在於,朝鮮政府基於「重農抑商」、「利權在上」經濟理念,認為將國內所有有關經濟的利權及利益要集中於中央政府控制下。因此,對政府而言,控制貨幣作為交易手段,始終居於舉足輕重的地位。另一方面,朝鮮半島置於中國與日本之間,其貨幣變革與兩國有著深厚關係。 17-18世紀葡西荷等國也影響東亞貨幣。因而,本研究從東亞國際關係史切入,探討朝鮮貨幣史,企圖展現朝鮮國内財政經濟體系變化的面貌,呈現環繞著貨幣的國際關係。 本論文包括緒論及結論,分為五章,各章所談的内容,介紹如下: 第二章〈官方貨幣與民間貨幣間競爭(15-16世紀)〉。就15世紀官方貨幣的製作、流通、民間對此的反應,與百姓常用的支付手段加以分析,闡明朝鮮前期貨幣體系的特色。 第三章〈東亞國際秩序變動中政府統一貨幣的初步嘗試(17世紀)〉。首先,自16世紀末壬辰倭亂發生切入,探討白銀對朝鮮社會產生的影響,呈現17世紀銅錢流通之時代背景。其次,梳理17世紀上半葉用錢之始末,考察内外因素對貨幣政策所扮演的角色,再者,將焦點放在17世紀後期常平通寶這一銅錢,詳細探討引起鑄錢的背景、錢文特色,朝廷為促進銅錢流通採取的各種政策。 第四章〈朝鮮銅錢國幣地位的確立(18世紀)〉。以錢荒為中心,闡述貨幣短缺危機的發生背景、影響,與朝中的應對過程。接著,分別以百姓、政府兩者為中心,參考老百姓交易文書與政府賦稅政策,凸顯常平通寶地位變化與朝鮮貨幣變革之面貌。


This study aims to analyze the process by which Chosŏn transitioned from a barter system to a currency system through the 17th and 18th centuries. When Chosŏn was founded, the people used rice and cloth in their daily economic lives. Because the production and circulation of such commodity currencies were reliant upon the people, the government could not exert control. The problem is that the Chosŏn government, due to its economic ideal of strengthening agriculture while suppressing commerce and conviction that economic rights lie in the throne, believed that all domestic economic rights and profits should be concentrated under the control of the central government. Therefore, controlling money was always extraordinarily important to the government. Additionally, as the Korean Peninsula is located between China and Japan, changes in Chosŏn’s currency have been profoundly connected with these two countries. From the 17th to the 18th centuries, other countries, such as Portugal, Spain and Holland, also influenced East Asian currency. Therefore, this study explores the history of Chosŏn’s currency in an attempt to highlight the changes of Chosŏn’s domestic financial and economic systems and present international relations in light of Chosŏn’s currency. This thesis consists of five chapters including an introduction and a conclusion. A summary of each chapter follows: Chapter Two, “Competition between Official and Private Currencies (15th-16th Centuries),” analyzes the production and circulation of official currency, the response of the people to official currency and commonly used methods of payment in the 15th century to explain the characteristics of Chosŏn’s currency system at an early period. Chapter Three, “Initial Attempts of the Government to Unify Currency in a Changing East Asian International Order (17th Century),” beginning with the Imjin War at the end of the 16th century, explores the influence that silver had on Chosŏn society and presents the historical background for the circulation of copper coin in the 17th century. Next, this chapter sorts out the details of coin usage in the first half of the 17th century and examines the effect of internal and external factors on monetary policy. Then, this chapter focuses on sangpyeong tongbo ever-sufficient copper coin in the late 17th century and discusses in detail the background leading to its minting, the characters appearing on the coin and the various policies the court adopted to promote its circulation. Chapter Four, “The Establishment of Copper Coin as Chosŏn's National Currency (18th Century),” centering on coin famines, explores the background, effects, and the responses of the court. Then, separately focusing on the people and the government, private transaction records and government taxation policy are used to highlight the changes in the position of the sangpyeong tongbo and transformations of Chosŏn's currency.


