  • 學位論文


Exploring Shen-gou Environmental Friendly Farming Community Member's Learning Process from Social Learning Perspective

指導教授 : 周儒


由於全球工商業高度發展、環境惡化,形成人類生存危機,為了達成人類的永續發展,須透過永續發展教育來達成概念的革新,產生新的思維,形塑個人與群體的改變,達到系統性的革新才能解決危機。社會學習是永續發展教育的形式之一,旨在以一群來自不同背景的人長時間相互學習,一同為問題尋找解答,使社群整體達成更永續循環的歷程。社會學習強調歷程本身與產出的成果,透過環境背景與學習成果的交互影響,使人類能夠邁向更永續的發展。 本研究視宜蘭縣以深溝社區為核心的青年返鄉、外來耕作者加入,共同務農之現象為一自主發起之學習計畫,以永續發展教育中的社會學習觀點,探討「宜蘭深溝友善農耕社區學習」的發展歷程、參與者的角色與信念等,以深度訪談、參與觀察與文件分析等方式,了解其中所蘊含的學習策略與整體成長,剖析其對於宜蘭及其他鄉村地區永續發展之意義。 研究發現,藉由建立學習平台,參與者加速社會學習的循環,解決友善耕作上所遭遇的問題,使加入的新農易於上手,並建立起深厚的人際網絡。透過堅持實踐高品質生活與友善耕作的信念,參與者獲得身心上的平衡、地方感與環境意識提升,達成自我實踐的理想,並在人際互動的過程中獲得支持,積累深厚的社會資本,同時改變了社會大眾對於農村、友善耕作的概念與認知。深溝友善農耕社區學習歷程,驗證了一群人可以藉由深耕在地、翻轉社區使社區獲得新生,在滾動式的學習中產生創意的果實,使地方朝向永續發展邁進。


In order to achieve mankind sustainable development, we need the education for sustainable development to deal with human living crisis caused by environmental degradation worldwide. This research studied “Shen-gou Environmental Friendly Farming Community Member’s Learning Process’’ which was founded by the young residents living in Shen-Gou community and other young people outside the community. They came from cities, gathered up in Shen-Gou and started farming using environmentally friendly methods. In an atmosphere that farming cannot make a lot of money, it was rare that they left cities and started new careers as farmers, especially they are still young generations. The purpose of the study is to investigate the process in a social learning perspective, examine the contents and the development process. The research uses qualitative methods like observing and interviewing the participants to understand the learning strategies and meaning in the pursuit of a more sustainable world. The study found that by establishing a learning platform, participants were able to accelerate the cycle of social learning. They make ways for new farmers, solve the problems encountered in farming, build up deep relationships with one another and live a fulfilling life. By pursuit the belief of environmentally friendly farming and high quality of life, participants gain physical and mental health, enhance their sense of place and environmental awareness. Through interacting with one another, participants gain support and accumulate deep social capital. They even change public’s viewpoints and attitude toward life in the countryside. “Shen-gou Environmental Friendly Farming Community Member’s Learning Process” proves that by deeply cultivating the community and engaging people to join in, participants can reshape community, make it more possible to move towards sustainable development.


王中天(2003)。社會資本(Social Capital):概念,源起,及現況。問題與研究季刊,42(5),139-163。
