  • 學位論文


Family Education Policy Formation and Implementation in Taiwan, Republic of China

指導教授 : 黃迺毓


我國於2003年通過家庭教育法,為全世界惟一以促進家庭教育為法制目的之法律。然家庭教育政策法制化及後續修正,能否符合現代家庭需要、發揮預防家庭問題發生之功能;又公部門及民間家庭教育工作人員如何執行,與政策規劃差異如何,實應有學術研究深入探討,以進一步檢視政策實效。 本研究採質性研究方式,以詮釋現象學為方法論,透過深度訪談及歷史文獻內容分析等研究方法,實地訪談家庭教育政策主管官員、相關專家學者、各縣、市家庭教育中心工作人員及民間家庭教育工作者共34人,從中央到地方瞭解家庭教育政策之形成及執行實際狀況,佐以立法院公報等有關家庭教育法之文獻內容分析,探索政策規劃與地方執行之落差及原因,並尋求未來可努力之方向。 研究結果針對現行家庭教育政策做出五項建議: 一、家庭教育政策應與家庭政策整合為「社會及家庭部」。 二、成立家庭政策研究院,以研究做為含家庭教育等各項家庭政策之基礎。 三、將家庭教育專業認證自能力「證書」提升至職業「證照」,逐次提升家庭教育中心需具備家庭教育專業人員認證方可任職。 四、加速規劃家庭教育專業機構認證,擴大公部門與民間家庭教育合作。 五、增加傳播與行銷專業培訓,強化家庭教育專業人員推廣及倡議能力。


In 2003, Taiwan, Republic of China passed the Family Education Act, the first law focused on family education in the world. However, can the legal institutionalization of family education policy and subsequent amendments can meet the needs of modern families and prevent family problems from occurring? Also, the public sector and non-governmental family education staff, as well as the differences between policy planning, deserves in-depth academic research to further examine the effectiveness of the policy. This study based on the methodology of interpretive phenomenology, by means of literature content analysis, and uses in-depth interviews with family education policy officers, experts, scholars, local family education center staff and civil family educators, a total of 34 people from the central government to the local officers, but also explores family education policy formation and implementation with the Legislative Yuan Gazette to analyze the legislative process of Family Education Act, in order to understand the gap between policy planning and local implementation, as well as offering suggestion for future efforts. The results of the study make five recommendations for the current family education policy: 1. The family education policy and the family policy should be integrated to form the Ministry of Social and the Family Affairs. 2. The establishment of the Family Policy Research Institute, to study for family policies including family education. 3. Upgrade the family education professional certification from "certification" to "licenses" level. Gradually mandate the family education center worker must have the family education professional license. 4. Plan and establish professional institutions for family education certification, Expand cooperation between public sector and non-governmental family education . 5. Increase professional training in communication and marketing, and strengthen the capacity of family education professionals to promote and advocate.


