  • 學位論文

應用一人一故事劇場促進社會正義 — — 以臺灣劇團「光腳的愛麗絲」演員訓練爲例

Applying Playback Theatre into Social Justice - An Example of Actor Training in Taiwan' s Troupe

指導教授 : 范聖韜


本研究旨在探討社會正義、性別議題如何實際應用於一人一故事劇場的劇團演員培訓。本論文的研究問題為社會正義、性別議題,實際運用與操作在戲劇與劇場中的過程與實踐爲何?在融入社會正義、性別議題之戲劇與劇場中,對於演員的培訓策略與方式爲何?融入社會正義、性別議題之一人一故事劇場,對演員之影響爲何?研究者採用質性研究中之個案研究方法,以半結構式深度訪談,向研究對象光腳的愛麗絲劇團中四位團員,獲取第一手研究資料,並參照既有文獻,統整出本研究之三個結論:一、戲劇與劇場適合作爲促進社會正義、性別議題之媒介;二、一人一故事劇場融入社會正義、性別議題的演員訓練三個關鍵要素,包括人格特質與角色、肢體與情感、相關知識與倫理;三、融入社會正義、性別議題之一人一故事劇場,對劇團團員有著正向影響。本研究的貢獻為,在全球學術研究中,强化戲劇與劇場在促進社會正義、性別平等之論述;在具體實踐中,對於融入社會正義與性別議題之一人一故事劇場,提出臺灣劇團演員培訓之策略。 關鍵字:社會正義、性別議題、一人一故事劇場、演員訓練、性別平等


The purpose of this study is to explore how to apply the issues of social justice and gender into actor training in Playback Theatre. There are three research questions: What are the actual practice and process of applying social justice and gender issue on both drama and theatre? What are the actor training strategy in Playback Theatre related to social justice and gender issue? What are the influences of these Playback Theatres towards the actors? For research methodology, the researcher deploys qualitative research method, case study and semi-structural in-depth interviews to collect first-hand data from the interviewees. Four interviewees are the actors of a Taiwan’s Playback Theatre troupe. The researcher integrates the interviews’ first-hand data and the existing literature. The research concludes: First, drama and theatre are suitable for being the media to promote social justice and gender issue. Second, there are three main actor training strategies in Playback Theatre related to social justice and gender issue, including personality and role, body and emotion as well as knowledge and ethics. Third, there are positive influences on the actors who engaged in the Playback Theatre with social justice and gender issue. The contribution of this thesis is to strengthen the arguments in the global academic research about social justice and gender equality in drama and theatre. For practical purpose, this thesis provides actor training strategy which applies social justice and gender issue in the Taiwan’s Playback Theatre troupe. Keywords: Social Justice, Gender Issue, Playback Theatre, Actor Training, Gender Equality


丁凡(譯)(2017)。劇場人類學辭典:表演者的祕藝(原作者:E. Barba & N. Savarese)。臺北市:書林。(原著出版年:1990)
