  • 學位論文


Focusing on Chinese characters learning in Japanese students — An Example of A Course in Contemporary Chinese

指導教授 : 林振興


近年來,由國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心所策劃的教材《當代中文課程》被廣泛使用於華語教學中,在對日華語教學中也不例外,因此本研究選定該教材之詞彙部分為研究之文本,計畫以日籍華語學習者的詞彙學習問題為中心開展研究。 本研究以教材《當代中文課程》第一冊至第六冊共5035個詞彙為文本,將詞彙按詞形及詞義進行分類,刪除部分人名、地名及專有名詞後,自餘下之4828詞中取分類結果中的2493個中日異形詞,進一步將中日異形詞區分為「以漢字構成為主(718詞)」及「以日語構成為主(1776詞)」兩類,取「以漢字構成為主」的中日異形同義漢字詞,再將其按差異之原因進行分析與歸納。經上述對教材《當代中文課程》所進行的詞彙分類,篩選出《當代中文課程》此一教材中,日籍華語學習者容易產生偏誤之中日異形同義漢字詞。 本研究旨在以日籍華語學習者之角度出發,重新審視教材中的詞彙,提出一份針對日籍華語學習者易產生偏誤之異形詞詞表,提供對日華語之研究者及教學者參考。


In recent years, the textbook A Course in Contemporary Chinese compiled by the Mandarin Training Center of National Taiwan Normal University, has been widely used in teaching Chinese as a second language, including teaching Chinese to Japanese speakers. Therefore, this study used the vocabulary of this textbook as the research text and explored the difficulties of Japanese speakers in learning Chinese vocabulary. This study collected a total of 5,035 words from the textbook A Course in Contemporary Chinese from Volume 1 to Volume 6 as the research text. Those words were classified according to their forms and meanings. After deleting person names, place names, and proper nouns, there were 4,828 words left, among which 2,494 Chinese-Japanese synonyms were recognized. Those Chinese-Japanese synonyms were further divided into two categories: "Chinese character-based composition (718 words)" and "Japanese character-based composition (1,776 words)". This study mainly focused on "Chinese character-based composition" and aimed to analyze and conclude the reasons of the differences. Based on the above-mentioned classification and analysis of words in the textbook A Course in Contemporary Chinese, this study screens out the Chinese-Japanese synonyms in the textbook which are likely mistaken by Japanese speakers. The goal of this study is to assess the vocabulary in the textbook from the perspective of Japanese speakers and to propose a list of vocabulary that is prone to errors for them, and to provide reference or researchers and teachers in the field of teaching Chinese as a second language to Japanese speakers.


中央研究院 (2005)。現代漢語語料庫詞頻統計系統。2021年10月9日取自:https://elearning.ling.sinica.edu.tw/CWordfreq.html
